Muscat Daily

Missile from Yemen lands in central Israel, 9 injured

- Anadolu Agency

Jerusalem - Nine Israelis were injured on Sunday with minor wounds as they rushed to shelters following the launch of a surface-to-surface missile from Yemen towards central Israel.

In a brief statement, the Israeli army said that ‘following the alerts activated in central Israel, a surface-to-surface missile was detected entering the country from the east and landed in an open area without causing any injuries’.

The army added that the missile was launched from Yemen, and the explosive sounds heard moments earlier were due to the intercepto­r missiles. The Israeli army also said the results of the intercepti­on are under investigat­ion.

Daily Haaretz reported that the missile landed in an open area in central Israel on Sunday morning. Following its detection, numerous alarms were activated in illegal settlement­s across central Israel, and intercepto­r missiles were launched from both the Arrow and Iron Dome systems. The army is still determinin­g whether the intercepti­on was fully successful.

Haaretz also said fragments from the intercepto­r missiles landed at a train station on the outskirts of Modi’in in central Israel, causing damage.

Additional­ly, a fire broke out in an open area in Kfar Daniel near the city of Lod in central Israel due to more falling debris.

Israeli Army Radio reported that ‘the ballistic missile launched from Yemen travelled a distance of approximat­ely 2,000km (1,243 miles), taking around 15 minutes of flight time, and the air force is investigat­ing why the missile was not intercepte­d before reaching Israel’.

The radio added that the air force is considerin­g the possibilit­y that one of the Arrow intercepto­r missiles partially hit the incoming missile from Yemen.

Israel’s emergency medical services confirmed in a statement that nine people were injured with minor injuries in various locations across central Israel as they scrambled to shelters during the sounding of the alarms. They were transporte­d to several hospitals for treatment.

Separately, a fire erupted at a cement factory in Ramla at the time of the missile attack.

According to Israeli Channel 14, the fire started on a conveyor

belt at the Nesher plant. The fire was reported at 6:30am local time (0430GMT), just as missile defence systems across the country were activated. The cause of the blaze is being investigat­ed by the fire department.

The Houthis in Yemen have been targeting ships that are Israeli-owned, flagged, operated or headed to Israeli ports in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden with missiles and drones in solidarity with Gaza, which has been under a devastatin­g Israeli onslaught since October 7.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Sunday to ‘exact a

heavy price’ on the Houthi group in Yemen.

“This morning, the Houthis launched a surface-to-surface missile from Yemen into our territory. They should have known by now that we charge a heavy price for any attempt to harm us,” Netanyahu said at the start of a cabinet meeting as cited by a statement from his office.

“Those who need a reminder in this matter are invited to visit the port of Al Hudaydah,” he added, referring to the western Yemeni city that Israeli warplanes bombed in July after a Houthi drone attack killed one Israeli in Tel Aviv.

The ballistic missile launched from Yemen travelled a distance of approximat­ely 2,000km taking around 15 minutes of flight time ISRAELI ARMY RADIO

 ?? ?? The Houthis in Yemen have been targeting ships that are Israeli-owned, flagged, operated or headed to Israeli ports in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
The Houthis in Yemen have been targeting ships that are Israeli-owned, flagged, operated or headed to Israeli ports in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

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