Muscat Daily

MOE symposium witnesses signing of agreements on school financial education


H E Prof Dr Abdullah bin Khamis Ambosaidi, Undersecre­tary for Education in the Ministry of Education, patronised the closing ceremony of the symposium, in presence of H E Majid bin Said al Bahri, Undersecre­tary of Administra­tive and Financial Affairs and Chairman of the Main Committee for Khazna Project.

The closing ceremony of the two-day symposium included a visual presentati­on of the symposium activities, a recommenda­tion reading, and honouring Khazna project partners.

On the sidelines of the symposium, the Ministry of Education signed a number of memoranda of cooperatio­n with a number of private institutio­ns. H E Majid bin Said al Bahri, Undersecre­tary of for Administra­tive and Financial Affairs in MOE, signed a cooperatio­n agreement with Bank Muscat to implement a training programme for school students titled ‘Finances Academy’ signed on behalf of Bank Muscat by Sheikha al Farsi, Chief Operating Officer at Bank Muscat.

H E Bahri also signed a memorandum of cooperatio­n with Oman Arab Bank (OAB) to implement a training programme for school students.

The agreement for holding the ‘Adventures of Young Savers’ programme, was signed by Sulaiman al Harthi, the bank’s CEO.

The Undersecre­tary signed the third agreement with Sohar Internatio­nal to implement a training programme in financial planning for school students. This deal was signed by Khalil al Hedaifi, Head of the Government and Private Banking Group, on behalf of Sohar Internatio­nal.

The Financial Culture Symposium recommende­d to build a strategy for school financial education in the Sultanate of Oman; aiming to empower students with financial planning, saving and investment skills, include the principles of financial culture and education in various curricula, employ artificial intelligen­ce tools and digital financial technology to spread financial culture among students, create qualitativ­e training programmes for teachers and career guidance specialist­s in the field of financial education, and strengthen partnershi­ps with banking sector institutio­ns within Oman; to adopt several initiative­s that contribute to instilling financial dealing skills in various aspects of life.

The symposium also recommende­d in its closing statement the adoption of student companies and business incubators for school students by government and private sector institutio­ns and enabling the Khazna project to implement a group of various educationa­l activities, programmes and events in order to raise the level of awareness of financial culture among school students, through the implementa­tion of winter and summer student camps and gatherings.

The final statement also stressed the need to review the most prominent internatio­nal educationa­l practices that enhance the roles of educationa­l institutio­ns in educating and raising students’ awareness of financial transactio­ns, and involving civil society institutio­ns and parents in educating students about financial culture and providing them with the necessary skills and competenci­es, and studying the possibilit­y of creating an optional subject called: Introducti­on to Financial Education for students in grades 9-12.

The final day of the symposium included three sessions, the first of which discussed the topic of financial culture and integratin­g it into school education programmes.

Dr Alya al Fori, Assistant Professor at the Collage of Economy

On the sidelines of the symposium, H E Prof Dr Abdullah bin Khamis Ambosaidi, Undersecre­tary for Education in MOE signed a number of memoranda of cooperatio­n with a number of private institutio­ns

and Political Sciences at SQU, presented the first paper titled ‘Importance of Integratin­g Financial Culture Concepts in School Education Programmes’.

The second paper - ‘Reality of Integratin­g Financial Culture into School Education Programs in the Countries of the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States’ - was presented by Prof Dr Abdulaziz al Ruwais, Advisor at the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States.

Dr Khalid al Saadi, Associate Professor at Sohar University, presented the third paper entitled - ‘Financial Culture and the Importance of Integratin­g it into Curricula’.

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