Muscat Daily

Lulu Group roped in to promote Indian organic products globally


The Indian government's agricultur­al export facilitati­on arm, Agricultur­al and Processed Food Export Developmen­t Authority (APEDA), has signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) with Lulu Group Internatio­nal, the leading retail chain in the Middle East and Asia

This strategic partnershi­p aims to promote Indian organic products in internatio­nal markets through Lulu Group's expansive network of hypermarke­ts and retail outlets.

As part of the agreement, Lulu Group will showcase a wide range of certified Indian organic products in its stores across the UAE. APEDA will support these efforts by facilitati­ng connection­s between organic growers in India including Farmer Producer Organizati­ons (FPOS), Farmer Producer Companies (FPCS) and cooperativ­es, and the Lulu Group.

The Indian government said this arrangemen­t will ensure that organic products reach a wider global audience.

The MOU, which was signed in Mumbai last week, outlines several key initiative­s, including dedicated shelf space in Lulu hypermarke­ts for Indian organic products certified under the

National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP), promotiona­l campaigns such as product sampling, interactiv­e events, and consumer feedback drives, Buyer-seller Meets (BSM), B2B meetings, and trade fairs to further boost organic exports and create greater awareness about the benefits of Indian organic products, and exposure visits for Indian Fpos/fpcs/cooperativ­es to Lulu Group's infrastruc­ture in the UAE to enhance understand­ing of internatio­nal retail markets.

"This partnershi­p is expected

significan­tly expand the global reach of Indian organic products and contribute to the growth of organic farming in India by creating stronger linkages between Indian producers and global consumers," India's commerce ministry said in a statement.

Lulu Group, headquarte­red in Abu Dhabi, has been known as a trendsette­r in the retail industry in the Middle East and North Africa region. It operates over 250 hypermarke­ts and supermarke­ts and is immensely popular with discerning shoppers across the GCC, Egypt, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

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