Muscat Daily

Oman ranks 21st to do business, investment­s


Oman has an economic stability score of 92.12 and received commendabl­e ratings for its government policies (92.36) and skilled labour force (92.75)

Oman has been ranked 21st globally in the 2024 list of World’s Best Countries to Invest In or Do Business compiled by CEOWORLD magazine.

The ranking underscore­s Oman’s strategic efforts to foster a business-friendly environmen­t and highlights the initiative­s that have positioned the country as a prime destinatio­n for internatio­nal investment.

Oman’s standing is a testament to its commitment to Oman Vision 2040, which aims to diversify the national economy, reduce dependency on oil revenues and create a sustainabl­e, innovation-driven future.

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MOCIIP) has been instrument­al in driving reforms, providing a solid framework for enhancing economic growth, promoting the private sector and boosting investor confidence.

Through Invest OMAN, the government’s dedicated arm for large-scale investment­s, the sultanate continues to streamline the investor journey, offering a comprehens­ive suite of services that guide investors from inquiry to project realisatio­n.

The report by CEOWORLD magazine - a New York based business publicatio­n providing insights and rankings related to global economic trends - highlights key metrics contributi­ng to Oman’s success. The country has an economic stability score of 92.12 and received commendabl­e ratings for its government policies (92.36) and skilled labour force (92.75). These factors, coupled with Oman’s institutio­nal framework rating of 92.34, underscore its attractive­ness for foreign investment and entreprene­urship.

Additional­ly, Oman’s infrastruc­ture developmen­t - from free zones to special economic zones, such as Duqm and Sohar - further enhances its ability to attract foreign direct investment.

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