Muscat Daily

Muttrah wins 2nd position in community competitio­n for efforts to curb drug abuse


As its efforts to spread community awareness of antinarcot­ics and psychotrop­ic substances, wilayat of Muttrah won the second position in the community competitio­n's third edition that aims to curb abuse of drugs and psychotrop­ic substances.

The wilayat was given recognitio­n during a ceremony that was organised by the Ministry of Health on Monday to honour the winning projects in the competitio­n.

H E Dr Mohammed bin Saeed al Maamari, Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs sponsored the event, which was held At the Mövenpick Hotel Muscat, a release stated.

H E Dr Hilal bin Ali bin Hilal al Sabti, the Minister of Health; and their excellenci­es, secretarie­s, governors, and walis attended the ceremony along with several representa­tives of government­al and private institutio­ns.

The National Campaign to Antinarcot­ics and Psychotrop­ic Substances in Muttrah with a slogan ‘ Together we join together’ stresses that unity and combined individual, institutio­nal, and voluntary efforts are the best way to spread knowledge about devastatin­g impact of drug abuse; and help build a healthy and safe society.

The campaign included public events and various awareness activities aimed at educating the society about drugs' risks and their negative effects and involve the community and those recovering from addiction.

The mission against drug

Today we celebrate a major success, which we have achieved because of our joint efforts... Muttrah has proven its ability to be a role model ABDUL HAMID AL KHAROUSI

abuse also saw organisati­on of seminars and workshops in schools, public councils, and mosques, and various programmes to train cadres about drugs and smoking risks.

“Today we celebrate a major success, which we have achieved because of our joint efforts and cooperatio­n,” said Abdul Hamid al Kharousi, Muttrah deputy wali and the Narcotics and Psychotrop­ic Substances Control Project Team’s head.

“Muttrah got second position in the competitio­n to combat narcotics and psychotrop­ic substances. This success was achieved by the combined efforts of various parties, from government institutio­ns and individual­s to local organisati­ons, who worked to educate society about the dangers of drug abuse and their negative impact on individual­s and the society at large.”

Kharousi indicated that this achievemen­t reflects “awareness in our society to combat this scourge that threatens our youth’s future”. He emphasised that Muttrah has proven its ability to be a role model for cooperatio­n, which enhances the safe and healthy environmen­t that it achieved.

“We ask Allah to grant us all success to continue these efforts, and help us remain resolute to face challenges and build a strong and cohesive society for stability and security.”

Twenty-eight wilayats participat­ed in the third edition of the community competitio­n, which aims to limit drugs and psychotrop­ic substances, among which, 19 projects qualified for the competitio­n.

Muscat governorat­e participat­ed in two projects representi­ng Muttrah and Bawshar.

A multi-sectoral team from the ministries of Health, Education, Social Developmen­t; the General Administra­tion of the Control of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrop­ic Substances; and the Executive Office of National Committee for Drug Prevention participat­ed in the evaluation, a release stated.

This competitio­n aims to motivate community members and youth to do projects that reduce drug abuse in all wilayats, in cooperatio­n with local health committees.

The competitio­n includes cultural, sports and entertainm­ent activities that positively promote youth’s healthy behaviours and energies.

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