Muscat Daily

MOE hosts training for developmen­t of educationa­l supervisor­y skills


The Ministry of Education, represente­d by the Directorat­e-general of Educationa­l Supervisio­n, implemente­d a training programme for supervisor­s, senior supervisor­s, and administra­tors from the Ministry’s General Diwan, at the Specialise­d Institute for Profession­al Training for Teachers in Muscat.

Titled ‘Basics of Self-assessment of School Performanc­e’ for the developmen­t of supervisor­y skills, the training programme highlighte­d the diagnostic procedures in educationa­l supervisio­n processes by presenting various working papers.

The presented papers revolved around diagnostic vocabulary (domain, criterion, indicator, and evidence), evidence formulatio­n skills according to diagnostic indicators, and self-assessment tools.

Participan­ts were trained on the methodolog­y of supervisor­y teams, enhancing trends around partnershi­p in group supervisio­n, and skills and knowledge that improve employee performanc­e in their field of work. Trainees also underwent practical applicatio­n, each according to their specialisa­tion, from different materials.

The programme was held to familiaris­e participan­ts with the procedures of educationa­l supervisio­n teams and provide them with skills in school self-evaluation and the foundation­s for its follow-up; so that they can become familiar with the mechanisms for providing technical and administra­tive support to schools and employ self-evaluation tools and reports to improve school performanc­e, and thus master the mechanisms and roles of external evaluation.

The profession­al developmen­t of senior supervisor­s and supervisor­s represents one of the basic starting points for applying the supervisor­y team’s methodolog­y. It is also an effective tool in translatin­g the objectives of the methodolog­y internally and externally. The skills of diagnosing the reality of schools are among the main pillars of the external evaluation process.

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