Muscat Daily

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre celebrates 8th anniversar­y


The Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre (OCEC) marks its 8th anniversar­y on Monday, celebratin­g its evolution into Oman’s leading events and exhibition­s hub.

Over the past eight years, the OCEC has solidified its position as the sultanate’s premier venue, hosting over 250 internatio­nal and local events annually and welcoming thousands of delegates from around the world.

To commemorat­e this milestone, a series of staff activities were organised at the OCEC this week.

As a subsidiary of the successful Omran Group, OCEC has played a pivotal role in the developmen­t of the Madinat Al Irfan area. With JW Marriott and Crowne Plaza OCEC hotels nearby, the venue has become a business-oriented complex, perfectly positioned for hosting major events, thanks to its proximity to the airport, world-class accommodat­ion, and state-ofthe-art facilities.

The OCEC has been a key player in Oman’s economic diversific­ation, particular­ly in the business events sector. Over the last eight years, it has attracted more than 50,000 internatio­nal delegates to Oman, creating a platform for critical discussion­s on the country’s future.

Moreover, the OCEC has generated significan­t economic impact, driving investment and fostering growth across various business sectors. Through its strong collaborat­ion with Omran

Group, the Ministry of Heritage & Tourism, the Oman Convention Bureau, and other key government­al stakeholde­rs, the OCEC remains committed to generating positive economic outcomes for Oman.

The OCEC’S impact extends to the business events industry itself, having created thousands of jobs over the past eight years. With a commitment to employing local talent, the OCEC has maintained an Omanisatio­n rate of over 90%, focusing on providing opportunit­ies for Omani graduates to develop their skills in this growing industry.

In addition, the OCEC has offered valuable work experience to over 500 interns in the past few years, preparing the next generation of profession­als in the field of business events.

The venue has also prioritise­d the career developmen­t and long-term training of its staff, with many senior executives and managers participat­ing in national training programmes to enhance their skills.

“The OCEC is more than just a venue; it is a space where meaningful conversati­ons about our country take place,” said CEO Said al Shanfari.

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