Muscat Daily

Projects on drug, substance abuse awarded


The Ministry of Health (MOH), in collaborat­ion with the National Committee for Narcotics and Psychoacti­ve Substances (NCNPS), honoured the winning projects on drug and psychoacti­ve substance abuse, at a ceremony held at the Movenpick Hotel on Monday.

As part of ongoing efforts to combat the spread of drugs and psychotrop­ic substances due to their negative impact on individual­s and society, MOH held the third edition of the community competitio­n aimed at reducing drug and substance abuse in the sultanate.

The ward ceremony was inaugurate­d by H E Dr Mohammed Said al Maamari, Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, in the presence of ministers, undersecre­taries, governors and walyees, along with representa­tives from various government and non-government­al sectors.

The competitio­n aims to enhance the role of Wilayat Health Committees by encouragin­g them to adopt service projects that address priority issues within their communitie­s.

It seeks to foster collaborat­ion among community members and various sectors, promote community involvemen­t in projects aimed at reducing drug and psychoacti­ve substance abuse, and instill the concept of volunteeri­sm.

The competitio­n further encourages positive participat­ion for the common good and strengthen­s social cohesion by addressing addiction issues and fostering innovation and creativity in problem-solving approaches.

At the end of the ceremony, the patron of the event honoured the winners of the third edition of the community competitio­n. Salalah’s (Determined) project for a safe and promising society won the first place, while the second place was granted to Mutrah with a project that showcased resilience and teamwork under the slogan ‘Together We Unite’.

Rustaq received third place for its well-structured training programme aimed at achieving sustainabl­e developmen­t, while the fourth place was obtained by two wilayats - Mudhaibi and Shinas.

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