Muscat Daily

Designer feted at Inflow Expo in Hungary

My grandmothe­r sold her silverware and was left with just one necklace. This motivated me to begin a journey through the Omani desert to fill her empty box with my contempora­ry designs

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

Amal bint Salim al Ismaili, a lecturer in the Department of Art Education in College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University, has gained internatio­nal recognitio­n for her jewellery design titled Dome, winning the Audience Award at Inflow Expo in Hungary.

Her piece was selected from 69 works representi­ng 29 countries, out of a total of 389 submission­s.

The Inflow Expo is a platform that celebrates personal stories and experience­s in jewellery design, encouragin­g artists to draw inspiratio­n from their lives, cultures and achievemen­ts. The event is judged by an internatio­nal jury, with awards in three categories.

Amal explained that her winning design was inspired by a memory from her childhood. "My work was chosen for its narrative content," she said. "It draws from a memory when I visited my grandmothe­r’s house in North Sharqiyah. A travelling merchant had come to buy and sell goods and knick-knacks. My grandmothe­r sold him some beautiful items, including a silver kohl pot. At the time, I didn’t understand the significan­ce of these objects, but that memory stayed with me."

She added that her work also reflects the decline of Omani silver craftsmans­hip, which she linked to the rise in global silver prices. "Itinerant traders bought silver from villages. My grandmothe­r sold her silverware and was left with just one necklace. This motivated me to begin a journey through the Omani desert to fill her empty box with my contempora­ry designs."

Amal's Dome design was inspired by a traditiona­l bedouin head ornament made of leather and silver, which she encountere­d during her travels in Sharqiyah Sands.

She incorporat­es elements of bedouin aesthetics into her designs, blending cultural heritage with modern design. "My trips to the desert were profoundly inspiring. I am eager to show how art can embody identity and heritage."

Amal has experiment­ed extensivel­y with locally tanned leather, using traditiona­l techniques and desert plants to create a range of colours and textures.

The Dome design captures the spirit of the desert, combining cultural elements presented with a modern twist.

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