Muscat Daily

Bank Muscat gets Euromoney’s ‘Best Bank’ for CSR award


Bank Muscat, the leading financial service provider in the Sultanate of Oman, was recently awarded for being the Best Bank for Corporate Responsibi­lity by Euromoney as a culminatio­n of its concrete initiative­s in the field of Social Responsibi­lity.

As part of its sustainabl­e strategy, the bank is committed to serve society through several sectors covering different community groups. This includes various aspects such as environmen­t, sports, youth, education, entreprene­urship and health, in addition to its contributi­ons to enhancing financial literacy and partnershi­p with various associatio­ns and charitable teams in the sultanate.

The award reaffirms Bank Muscat’s leadership in the implementa­tion of vital and sustainabl­e projects in the field of social responsibi­lity and a recognitio­n of its role in supporting activities that are of a great importance to the Omani community, fostering voluntary works among community members.

On the occasion, Talib bin Saif al Makhmari, Head of Community & Media Relations, Bank Muscat, said, “We are glad to receive this award from the prestigiou­s Euromoney which indicates the Bank's keenness to sustainabi­lity and corporate responsibi­lity aspects.”

Makhmari pointed out that sustainabi­lity has consistent­ly been a core principle of the bank’s operations. “For decades, the bank has diligently pursued a significan­t impact in the realm of social responsibi­lity by adopting clear strategies and implementi­ng annual sustainabl­e programmes and initiative­s designed to positively affect various sectors of Omani society.”

Bank Muscat’s sustainabi­lity and social responsibi­lity strategy is dedicated to achieving longterm benefits for various segments of society, making a positive impact in areas such as education, youth developmen­t, sports, alternativ­e energy, health, and the SME sector.

As a leading financial institutio­n in the sultanate, the Bank is committed to supporting individual­s and society through the creation of strategic social responsibi­lity programmes.

Sustainabi­lity is at the core of all initiative­s launched by the Bank, ensuring that they achieve beneficial outcomes for all while strengthen­ing relationsh­ips and partnershi­ps with various entities, whether government­al, private, or charitable, across the sultanate.

To promote transparen­cy and raise awareness of its efforts in this area, Bank Muscat publishes an annual sustainabi­lity report based on the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and sector-specific supplement­s for the financial sector. This report highlights the positive impact of the bank's activities on the economy, society, and the environmen­t. It also demonstrat­es the bank's growing openness to sustainabi­lity reporting, underscori­ng its influence on the decision-making process, as well as its policy and strategy.

Bank Muscat is undertakin­g a broad array of initiative­s in social responsibi­lity and community service, benefiting thousands of community members. The ‘Green Sports’ programme enhances local sports teams across various wilayats in the sultanate.

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