Muscat Daily

Poland: PM says 10 people involved in ‘acts of sabotage’ arrested


Today, there can be no other priority - for the central government, the EU, regional and local government authoritie­s - than security

Ten people involved in ‘acts of sabotage and subversion’ in Poland have been arrested in recent weeks, said the nation’s prime minister on Tuesday.

“We have reasons to believe that these are not the last events of this type,” Donald Tusk told reporters in the Polish city of Bialystok.

“Today, there can be no other priority - for the central government, the EU, regional and local government authoritie­s - than security,” he said. “We’re not talking about exercises or lessons in threat theory,” he added.

Tusk warned that there may be more incidents posing a security threat and emphasised that Poland’s influence in the EU in the areas of security, including energy, and nearby countries is more important now.

In May, Poland arrested nine members of an alleged Russian spy ring. “These are Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish citizens,” Tusk said, adding that some may have been recruited from criminal gangs.

The detained were accused of ‘beatings, arson and attempted arson’, according to Tusk, who said alleged Russian plots against European countries concern not just Poland, but also Lithuania, Latvia, and possibly Sweden.

Tusk cited an attempt to set fire to a paint factory in Wroclaw, western Poland.

Earlier this month, Tusk announced the strengthen­ing of the Polish intelligen­ce services due to Moscow’s destabilis­ing activities, announcing that Poland would allocate 100mn zlotys (Us$25mn) to civil and military counter-espionage services.

Poland said in early June that it will spend over 3bn zlotys (Us$760mn) to boost cybersecur­ity after state news agency PAP was hit by a likely Russian cyberattac­k.

Tusk said on Monday that his government would change the law governing the appropriat­e use of firearms on the borders of EU member states after three Polish soldiers were arrested last week for allegedly shooting at migrants crossing the Belarus border.

Such situations, Tusk said, include ‘repulsing a direct, unlawful attack on the inviolabil­ity of the state border by a person forcing someone to cross the border’ or ‘resisting a direct attack on the life, health or freedom of a soldier or another person’.

Last week, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski demand that authoritie­s in Belarus - a close Russian ally - establish the identity of a man who murdered a Polish soldier at the border, and hand him over to Polish law enforcemen­t agencies. “It is completely unacceptab­le for a neighbouri­ng country to behave this way towards its neighbour. I promise you that Belarusian authoritie­s will bear the consequenc­es for this,” he added.

Belarus has been widely accused of sending migrants over the border into Poland since 2021, aiming to destabilis­e the EU member. Polish authoritie­s say it is an act of hybrid warfare. Critics accuse Poland of breaking internatio­nal law by pushing people back over the border. Several clashes have taken place since late 2021 between Polish border authoritie­s and migrants at the border.


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