Muscat Daily

After party’s defeat, Belgian PM announces resignatio­n

- Anadolu Agency

London, UK - Alexander De Croo announced his resignatio­n as Belgium’s prime minister in a dramatic turn of events following European elections, media reports said on Sunday.

The announceme­nt came after a significan­t defeat for his party, the Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open VLD), which garnered only 5.9 per cent of the vote, with nearly 90 per cent of the votes counted in the federal election, according to the Italian news agency Agenzia Nova.

“Tomorrow I will resign as prime minister,” De Croo declared, acknowledg­ing the setback for his party.

Despite the disappoint­ing results, De Croo remained optimistic about the future of the Liberals, saying they ‘are strong. We will return’.

While De Croo will step down, he is expected to retain his position on an interim basis

until a new government is establishe­d.

Belgium will continue to hold the rotating presidency of the European Council, which changes every six months among member states, until June 30, 2024.

On December 8, De Croo, in his statement announcing the priorities of the presidency, emphasised that in addition to the European continent, people in the Middle East are facing a terrible war, and ‘we know we need to play a role in this matter’.

De Croo is among the European leaders who have raised their voices the most against Israel’s war in Gaza and the resulting civilian casualties.

His visit to Israel and Palestine in November with his Spanish counterpar­t Pedro Sanchez prompted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s administra­tion to lash out at remarks they made about the situation in the Gaza Strip, calling them ‘false statements’ made ‘in support of terrorism’.

Belgium brought the proposal to ban settlers who resort to violence in the West Bank from entering European territory to the agenda of the year’s final EU leaders’ summit, but no consensus was reached on the matter.

 ?? ?? Alexander De Croo
Alexander De Croo

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