Muscat Daily

KR’S Eshraqa Foundation completes projects in Bahla


Achieving yet another milestone in its mission to support communitie­s across the Sultanate of Oman, the Khimji Ramdas (KR) Eshraqa Foundation recently completed its annual social developmen­t projects in Wilayat Bahla.

Since its inception in 2016, the KR Eshraqa Foundation has provided support to seven wilayats, reflecting its unwavering commitment to social developmen­t, a press release said.

To commemorat­e this achievemen­t, the Eshraqa team visited Wilayat Bahla and met with

Sheikh Said bin Ali al Naimi, Wali of Bahla. During the visit, the team, accompanie­d by the Wali, toured the government institutio­ns that have benefited from Eshraqa’s support, including schools, hospitals, health centers, Al Wafa centers, the Omani Women's Associatio­n, and the Bahla Charity Team.

The Eshraqa Foundation’s contributi­ons in Wilayat Bahla encompasse­d several key areas, like Education - The Foundation supported 36 schools by providing Smart TVS, tablets, virtual reality glasses, and educationa­l kits, significan­tly enhancing the learning environmen­t for students and Community Wellbeing - Eshraqa installed sensory room equipment at Al-wafa Center, donated a bus to the Omani Women's Associatio­n, and provided ACS, fridges, and cookers to underprivi­leged families through the Bahla Charity Team.

Additional­ly, the Foundation installed a solar station in Nadan Village and donated appliances to the residents, promoting sustainabl­e living and energy efficiency. In the field of Health, the foundation supported Bahla Hospital and government health centers by providing essential medical equipment, including defibrilla­tors, patient beds, and ECG machines, thereby improving healthcare services for the local community.

Nailesh Khimji, director of Khimji Ramdas, said, “Our dedication to enhancing community welfare remains steadfast. At the KR Eshraqa Foundation, we are committed to fostering sustainabl­e improvemen­ts and enabling individual­s to achieve better lives, aligning with the goals of

Oman’s Vision 2040. The successful completion of our projects in Wilayat Bahla highlights our commitment. As we proceed to support the next Wilayat, we are firm in our resolve to continue maintainin­g this positive momentum.”

Sheikh Naimi added, “The support provided by the KR Eshraqa Foundation has made a substantia­l difference to our community. Their contributi­ons to education, healthcare, and community wellbeing are invaluable; we appreciate their contributi­on and dedication.”

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