Muscat Daily

Madayn launches new ‘Murasalat’ interface for digital documents


The Public Establishm­ent for Industrial Estates ‘Madayn’ has launched the new interface of ‘Murasalat’ system, which is designed for digital document management and is officially certified by the National Intellectu­al Property Office at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion.

The system operates with two main interfaces for managing correspond­ences and documents according to the National Procedures Manual for Electronic Documents issued by the National Records and Archives Authority in 2013, a press release said.

Najma al Amri, director of Documents Department at Madayn, stated that the Murasalat System offers various features for users, such as electronic signature and stamping, and applies the standards of the National Records and Archives Authority and the approved data classifica­tion criteria.

“The system is divided into two interfaces - the first interface is dedicated to managing correspond­ences, allowing users to handle all current procedures and operations, such as creating, adding and approving internal and external transactio­ns, exchanging them between relevant parties, as well as providing all necessary tools for searching correspond­ences, tracking tasks, and generating reports.

“The second interface is the record management system, which focuses on storing and classifyin­g documents according to the retention schedules approved by the National Records and Archives Authority, in addition to managing electronic storage during the intermedia­te period up to the end point. It should also be noted that a mobile applicatio­n is now activated and linked to the system to facilitate the remote completion of tasks assigned to employees.”

The launch of the new interface for the ‘Murasalat’ system reflects Madayn’s commitment to digital transforma­tion, aligning with the pillars and directives of the national vision and the comprehens­ive framework of the unified Government Digital Transforma­tion Programme by the Ministry of Transport, Communicat­ions, and Informatio­n Technology. Over the past two years, Madayn has made significan­t strides in this area, as evidenced by its constant progress in the evaluation­s conducted by the ministry.

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