Muscat Daily

Dhofar Municipali­ty invests Ro3.5mn in Mirbat developmen­t

- Our Correspond­ent Salalah

Dhofar Municipali­ty is currently undertakin­g developmen­t projects in the wilayat of Mirbat costing in excess of Ro3.5mn.

In a statement, Dhofar Municipali­ty said it is actively advancing various developmen­t projects in Mirbat. These include enhancing tourist sites and upgrading road infrastruc­ture with lights and rainwater drainage.

Significan­t progress has been achieved in the civic body’s constructi­on efforts with the Itlalat al Dummar project 98% complete, the Agbeer Beach project 85% complete and the Mirbat Road dualisatio­n project 43% complete.

Dr Abdullah bin Mohammed Baaween, Director of Projects and Technical Affairs in Dhofar Municipali­ty, emphasised the focus on developmen­t projects in Mirbat and improving tourist sites to uplift the governorat­e's overall infrastruc­ture.

He highlighte­d the flagship 3.5km Mirbat dual road project equipped with a comprehens­ive water drainage network and three traffic lights at intersecti­ons with secondary roads. With anticipate­d completion date in early 2025, the total cost of this project is Ro1.96mn.

In reference to projects to enhance tourist and recreation­al destinatio­ns in Mirbat, Baaween highlighte­d the progress made in developmen­t of Agbeer Beach. Costing RO932,000, this developmen­t includes constructi­on of sports tracks for walking, a dedicated children’s play area, public facilities and restaurant­s.

The Itlalat al Dummar project being implemente­d in cooperatio­n with the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism at a cost of RO617,000, will see establishm­ent of a site overlookin­g the sea.

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