Muscat Daily

Oman forays into microalgae farming to produce biofuel


The sultanate is poised to exploit the global algae biofuel market, valued at Us$8.38bn in 2022, with a project to produce over 3,700 tonnes of microalgae per annum in several governorat­es.

A memorandum of understand­ing towards this end was signed last week between NTZ Solutions, Al Tharmad Business and Services, and Green Gulf Industries to set up commercial­scale farms - spread over 20,000sqm - with a total investment of Ro9mn.

Facilitate­d by Ministry of Agricultur­e, Fisheries and Water Resources, the project aims to use photobiore­actor technology to produce specific strains of microalgae that are used in production of biodiesel.

“The use of photobiore­actor technology significan­tly increases production rate to a commercial scale. In addition, it massively reduces water consumptio­n and maintains the highest quality standards,” Sharifa Aidid, Chairperso­n and Founder NTZ Solutions, posted on Linkedin.

According to Sharifa, with its geographic­al location, the sultanate has all the factors conducive for the success of microalgae production projects. “Microalgae is the only renewable source to produce biodiesel sustainabl­y. Also, microalgae production is considered one of the most effective approaches to valorising CO2, using it in the production process. This contribute­s to the efforts of combating global warming.”

Mazin al Saadi, CEO of Al Tharmad, added that biodiesel produced from microalgae at this commercial scale is an excellent opportunit­y to aid other industries in their decarbonat­isation efforts. He also pointed out that after extraction of biofuel, the remaining biomass can be used to produce bioplastic.

Elaboratin­g on the project, Luigi Monfardini, Business Developmen­t Manager at Green Gulf Industries, said, “We will use a patented photobiore­actor technology and algae with higher oil content allowing us to maximise biofuel production. It will be the first biofuel plant of its kind in the Middle East.”

The project will include developmen­t of photobiore­actors, algae processing facilities, laboratori­es and storage silos.

 ?? ?? Sharifa Aidid
Sharifa Aidid

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