Muscat Daily

Iranians expect new president to address economic woes


Iranians expect their new president to address the economic issues weighing down the country and bring hope to younger generation­s as they head to the polls on June 28.

The death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on May 19 is forcing the country to elect a new leader. At least 80 candidates, including four women, mostly conservati­ves, have applied to vie in the presidenti­al election.

Among notable candidates are former parliament speaker Ali Larijani, former Secretary of the Supreme National Security

Council Saeed Jalili, former President Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d, parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, and former Vice

President Eshaq Jahangiri.

While the Guardian Council, a body of 12 jurists, continues vetting for the final candidates, interest in the presidenti­al election appears low.

Anadolu spoke with Iranian citizens about the elections and their expectatio­ns from the new president at some of Tehran’s busiest areas, including Enghelab Square, Vali Asr, Jomhuri, and Palestine Streets. Most pointed out economic difficulti­es and unemployme­nt as key issues.

‘Give us hope’

Zeynab Pakzadeh, a student, said the country’s human resources are not being utilised and that the situation for the youth is dire.

She added that many younger people aspire to move to other countries. “This is very bad for the youth. Give us hope to stay here and build our future in our homeland, not in another country.”

Civil engineer Mustafa Kasimlu expects the new president to improve the country’s economic infrastruc­ture, considerin­g its human resources and potential.

He underlined that Iran is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of oil and natural gas reserves. “Despite that, there are regions in the country lying in absolute deprivatio­n,” he said.

 ?? ?? Citizens pointed out economic difficulti­es and unemployme­nt as key issues
Citizens pointed out economic difficulti­es and unemployme­nt as key issues

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