Muscat Daily

8 months of death, destructio­n in Gaza

- Anadolu Agency

As eight months have passed since Israel launched attacks on the Gaza Strip, the Tel Aviv administra­tion continues to force Palestinia­ns to starve, deliberate­ly targeting civilian settlement­s and killing tens of thousands of Palestinia­ns, including children and women.

Since October 7, Israel’s bombing of Gaza has killed 36,801 Palestinia­ns, including 15,328 children and 10,171 women, and injured 83,680 others.

Israel has deliberate­ly targeted and destroyed civilian structures, including UN buildings, schools, hospitals, mosques, and churches, where civilians seek refuge.

By blocking humanitari­an aid to 2.3mn Palestinia­ns, Israel is also causing widespread famine.

Israel’s relentless attacks have rendered Gaza unsafe, with its ground assault on Rafah further diminishin­g safety for the 1.5mn Palestinia­ns seeking refuge.

According to Gaza’s government media office statement on May 24, the Israeli military has launched attacks on Gaza with 77,000 tonnes of explosives since October 7, resulting in the complete destructio­n of 87,000 homes and rendering a total of 297,000 homes uninhabita­ble.

Israel’s attacks have destroyed 189 public buildings, 108 schools, and universiti­es completely, with 313 others partially damaged. Additional­ly, 604 mosques were destroyed, 200 partially, and three churches were targeted for demolition.

Israel targeted 160 healthcare facilities in Gaza, disabling 55 health centres, 33 hospitals, and 130 ambulances.

It is also reported that 520 Palestinia­n bodies were retrieved from seven mass graves in hospitals raided by Israeli soldiers.

Israel destroyed 206 historical and cultural sites in Gaza, resulting in a direct loss of Us$33bn.

According to the World

Health Organizati­on’s office in occupied Palestinia­n territorie­s, 464 attacks on healthcare services have been documented in Gaza since October 7.

Israeli blockade of Gaza and famine

For eight months, 2.3mn Palestinia­ns in Gaza have been struggling to survive amid strikes from air, land, and sea, while also grappling with hunger,

thirst, and outbreaks of disease.

According to the Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP), it is estimated that over one million people, half of Gaza’s population, will face famine and death by mid-july.

In Gaza, 100 per cent of the population is classified at the crisis level, with 1.1mn people at the famine level and 900,000 at the emergency level.

According to a statement from the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on Thursday, cholera could further exacerbate ‘inhumane’ living conditions in Gaza under Israeli attacks.

It warned of the risk of disease outbreaks and dehydratio­n in Gaza due to limited access to

clean water and summer heat.

According to Gaza’s media office, out of the 2.3mn population, two million people in Gaza have been displaced, resulting in over 1.095mn cases of infectious diseases and 20,000+ cases of Hepatitis A.

Ground assault on Rafah

Israeli army warned of further evacuation of some neighbourh­oods in eastern Rafah, where 1.5mn displaced Palestinia­ns are sheltering in makeshift tents.

On May 7, the Israeli army began a ground assault on Rafah in Gaza, occupying the Gaza side of the border with Egypt - Gaza’s only gateway to the outside world.

Israel also blocks sick and

wounded individual­s from leaving through the Rafah border for medical treatment.

The Palestinia­n Ministry of Health in Gaza stated that 25,000 injured and sick individual­s require treatment outside the Gaza Strip.

Following Israel’s ground assault on Rafah and its seizure of the Rafah crossing, no patients or wounded individual­s have been able to leave Gaza.

Israel expands Rafah attacks

The Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ), the judicial arm of the UN, issued interim measures on May 24, ordering Israel to immediatel­y cease its attacks on Rafah, allow humanitari­an aid, and permit entry of UN officials to investigat­e their crimes in Gaza.

Israel’s military continues to expand ground attacks on the city of Rafah and in the central and southern regions despite the ICJ’S order to cease attacks.

UNRWA announced on May 28 that in the past three weeks, one million Palestinia­ns have been displaced in Rafah.

UNRWA Commission­erGeneral Philippe Lazzarini also stated on June 1 that all 36 shelters in Rafah have been evacuated, and they were forced to halt health and other critical services in Rafah.

Arrest warrant against Netanyahu

On May 20, Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan reported that he had filed an ‘arrest warrant’ applicatio­n against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant. Khan stated that there are reasonable grounds to believe Netanyahu and Gallant bear criminal responsibi­lity for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza since October 8.

Netanyahu claimed that Khan’s request for his arrest warrant was ‘insanity’ and alleged that the court’s reasons for such a decision were ‘fabricated’.

Following the arrest warrant applicatio­n, the US House of Representa­tives passed a bill imposing sanctions on the ICC, while UN spokespers­on Stephane Dujarric, in a statement, opposed threats and harassment against all internatio­nal officials, including ICC personnel.

Israeli military launched attacks on Gaza with 77,000 tonnes of explosives, resulting in complete destructio­n of 87,000 homes and rendering a total of 297,000 homes uninhabita­ble

 ?? ?? Israel’s relentless attacks have rendered Gaza unsafe, with its ground assault on Rafah further diminishin­g safety for the 1.5mn Palestinia­ns seeking refuge
Israel’s relentless attacks have rendered Gaza unsafe, with its ground assault on Rafah further diminishin­g safety for the 1.5mn Palestinia­ns seeking refuge

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