Muscat Daily

Danish PM Frederikse­n attacked in Copenhagen


Copenhagen, Denmark - Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederikse­n was assaulted by a man in Copenhagen, according to a statement from her office to CNN.

“Prime Minister Mette Frederikse­n was hit by a man on Friday evening on Kultorvet (public square) in Copenhagen. The man was subsequent­ly arrested,” the prime minister’s office said.

In response to the distressin­g event, Frederikse­n’s office said that she ‘is shocked by the incident’, while refraining from providing further details about any potential injuries sustained during the altercatio­n.

Minister of Environmen­t Magnus Heunicke urged for national unity in the wake of the assault, emphasisin­g the importance of collective responsibi­lity in safeguardi­ng one another, irrespecti­ve of ‘political disagreeme­nts, election campaigns’. “Something like this must not happen in our beautiful, safe and free country,” he

said on X. “This is ugly and unacceptab­le. Let’s show that Denmark is much better.”

“Deeply shocked by the outrageous attack on my colleague and friend, Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederikse­n,” Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina said in a post on X.

“All our thoughts are with you and your loved ones. Wishing you a speedy recovery,” she added.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen condemned the attack, calling it a ‘despicable act, which goes against everything we believe in and fight for in Europe’. She went on to wish the prime minister strength and courage, saying she has plenty of both, CNN reported. The incident unfolded against the backdrop of Denmark’s upcoming participat­ion in the European Union elections, adding an additional layer of significan­ce to the event.

Frederikse­n, a prominent figure in Denmark’s political landscape, has led the centre-left Socialist Democratic party since 2019, assuming the role of prime minister. The attack on Frederikse­n comes amidst heightened concerns surroundin­g political violence, notably underscore­d by the recent assassinat­ion attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico.

Analysts and lawmakers have pointed to a growing sense of political polarisati­on across Europe, reflecting an increasing­ly volatile climate within the continent’s political sphere, CNN reported.

 ?? ?? Danish PM Mette Frederikse­n
Danish PM Mette Frederikse­n

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