Muscat Daily

5th Health Leaders Forum held


Towards empowering the healthcare leaders to actively participat­e in the health sector and improve their ability to make appropriat­e decisions in a timely manner, the Ministry of Health convened the fifth edition of Health Leaders Forum under the theme Empowermen­t ‘Tamkeen’ at Barceló Resort, Musannah last week.

Chaired by H E Dr Hilal Ali al Sabti, Minister of Health, the two-day forum brought together MOH Undersecre­taries, Governorat­es’ director generals of health services, and hospitals directors, as well directors of Minister Office, a press release said.

The event is aspiring to meet spectrum of objectives that can be outlined in several points that includes increasing the health leaders’ knowledge and awareness of their capacity to make appropriat­e health decisions to respond quickly to the challenges facing the health sector, and creating a stimulatin­g work environmen­t to attract and retain human resources to ensure job satisfacti­on. The event additional­ly will shed light on the initiative­s that were designed to developing the health system.

At the onset of the forum, the minister emphasised the significan­ce of the event as a continuati­on of previous forums. He stressed the importance of organised and deliberate efforts to ensure the sustainabi­lity of improving the healthcare system in line with the ministry's aspiration­s to achieve the goals of

Oman Vision 2040 in the healthcare sector.

The minister pointed out further that the forum focuses on several important topics, including healthcare governance, enhancing employee commitment and institutio­nal loyalty, the importance of leadership in the success of national projects and initiative­s, and the conduction of training workshop on leadership and decision-making.

Furthermor­e, H E Sabti reviewed the vision of the ministry and its future projects, which include developing the healthcare model, enhancing governance through the developmen­t of policies and necessary legislatio­n to strengthen the healthcare sector based on decentrali­sation of health services, developing the human resources system through planning, attracting and developing competenci­es to empower them to work in the healthcare sector, digital transforma­tion, and fostering a culture of project management, change management and continuous improvemen­t.

Dr Ahmed al Mandhari, MOH’S undersecre­tary for Planning and Health Regulation, also gave a presentati­on on Leadership and Efficiency in Healthcare Management, highlighti­ng the concept of leadership in healthcare, characteri­stics of effective leadership in healthcare, and the causes of leadership failure providing examples in this regard.

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