Muscat Daily

Oman Arab Bank receives upgraded PCIDSS 4.0 certificat­ion


Building on its commitment to safeguardi­ng its customers’ informatio­n, Oman Arab Bank (OAB) announced receiving an upgraded certificat­ion for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) version 4.0.

This demonstrat­es OAB'S ongoing efforts to protect its customer payment card informatio­n and enhance defenses against potential security risks, fraudulent activities, and data breaches, a press release said.

The transition to PCI DSS version 4.0, a recognised security standard confirms OAB’S position as an organizati­on that not only meets but exceeds the strict security measures set by the PCI Security Standards Council. This standard plays a role for entities handling informatio­n such as credit card details guaranteei­ng a robust and secure environmen­t.

Sulaiman al Harthi, CEO of OAB stated, “This upgrade in certificat­ion is a testament to our high operationa­l standards and secured processes which ensure we keep our customers' informatio­n safe always. Our continuous investment­s in cybersecur­ity and cutting-edge technologi­es ensure that our customer’s payment card details are protected with utmost integrity.”

The Payment Card Industry

Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a comprehens­ive security standard establishe­d by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). This independen­t body is overseen by major payment brands like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

PCI DSS outlines 12 critical controls designed to safeguard cardholder informatio­n. These controls focus on securing networks that store card data, protecting cardholder details, and maintainin­g regular security assessment­s.

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