Muscat Daily

Ooredoo wins big at COMEX Excellence in Technology Awards


Named a leader in digital transforma­tion and in creating a seamless B2B customer experience, Ooredoo was selected as the winner in the Telecom category at the recently held COMEX Excellence in Technology Awards 2024.

The telco has been increasing­ly focused on upgrading the ever-evolving world of digitalisi­ng businesses in Oman. Not only does Ooredoo offer a nationwide 5G network but also products and services that its connectivi­ty and innovation enable, including cloud and other solutions for businesses, a press release said.

Saoud al Riyami, chief business and wholesale officer at Ooredoo, said, “We are grateful for receiving yet another award that recognises Ooredoo’s contributi­ons to Oman’s transforma­tion into a knowledge-based and technologi­cally advanced economy. We know that businesses of all sizes play an important role in the digital transforma­tion of the nation. As 5G continues to unlock many growth opportunit­ies for our B2B customer base, we create value by offering personalis­ed and seamless experience­s that are customerce­ntric.”

Digital has penetrated Ooredoo’s B2B customer base by over 50%, and now 49% of these customers’ transactio­ns are digital payments. Ooredoo focuses on digital penetratio­n and strategic partnershi­ps with local and internatio­nal companies to innovate, expand services and contribute to building a robust digital infrastruc­ture in Oman.

On a related note, and also during COMEX 2024, Ooredoo Fintech Internatio­nal, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ooredoo Group, launched Walletii, a new state-of-the-art Fintech solution.

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