Muscat Daily

Vision Golfe 2024 shows growing French-gcc commercial cooperatio­n


Vision Golfe 2024 Conference, held at the French Ministry of Economy, Finance, Industrial and Digital Sovereignt­y in Paris, has marked a significan­t milestone in bolstering economic relations between France and the GCC.

Organised by Business France, Vision Golfe is an annual event dedicated to strengthen­ing the economic and strategic relationsh­ips between France and the GCC countries.

This year’s edition witnessed unpreceden­ted engagement with over 1,200 attendees, including more than 500 stakeholde­rs from GCC countries, reflecting a growing commitment to enhancing bilateral economic cooperatio­n.

The event was packed with insightful discussion­s that began with a welcoming speech from the French Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire, followed by Laurent Saint-martin, CEO, Business France, on the importance of this

strategic cooperatio­n for French trade and attractive­ness.

The event featured high-level participat­ion from prominent figures from France and the GCC countries including H E Eng Salim Nasser al Aufi, Minister of Energy and Minerals of Oman.

Their contributi­ons provided invaluable insights into trade and economic strategies, underscori­ng the importance of the conference agenda and enriching discussion­s with high-level government­al perspectiv­es.

In addition, more than 40 officials, including GCC ambassador­s to France, French diplomats, representa­tives from Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti, Bahraini, Omani and UAE authoritie­s, as well as CEOS from these countries attended the event, emphasisin­g the high level of bilateral engagement.

The conference saw the signing of significan­t agreements with the Saudi Ports Authority, MAWANI, and the Grand Port of Marseille Fos, symbolisin­g the strengthen­ing of maritime connection­s because of their strategic position at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, within the framework of the constructi­on of the India-middle East-europe Economic Corridor, IMEC.

Another agreement strengthen­ing bridges was establishe­d at Vision Golfe, between Export Bahrain and the French Chamber of Commerce to promote Bahraini exports while facilitati­ng business relations between France and Bahrain.

 ?? ?? H E Salim Nasser al Aufi
H E Salim Nasser al Aufi

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