Muscat Daily

AI in education: A double-edged sword

- (Contribute­d by Sneha Lijoys and Gopika Babu)

Muscat - The advent of artificial intelligen­ce (AI) tools and chatbots has revolution­ised various sectors by simplifyin­g complex tasks, enhancing decision-making processes, and transformi­ng customer service. However, in the realm of education, this technologi­cal disruption has been met with mixed reactions regarding its impact on student creativity and academic integrity.

Educators and experts are voicing concerns over the increasing reliance on AI, which they argue could undermine the developmen­t of essential academic skills and critical thinking.

Tariq Hilal Barwani, an IT expert, pointed out the dual nature of AI, acknowledg­ing its benefits while cautioning against its potential to stifle creativity. “The over reliance on AI tools certainly hinders students’ creativity. A balanced approach where originalit­y is a priority, is key.”

Ameena Mohamed Ali, senior faculty at Oman Aircraft Control College, is observing widespread use of AI among students with unease, linking it to potential academic dishonesty and a lack of profession­al conduct in student work. “As an educator, I believe that it leads to unprofessi­onalism in student work. I have employed various strategies to identify and eliminate the use of AI like podcasts, debates and presentati­on assignment­s. This gives students a chance to express opinions and

Overuse of AI in the education system disrupts the emergence of important abilities like writing, research and independen­t analysis


enhance their skills in a unique way.”

Saleh Salim al Araimi, Senior Lecturer of Computer Science at National University of Science and Technology, also expressed concern about AI'S impact on critical thinking and problemsol­ving skills. He uses AI detection tools to monitor the extent of usage in student assignment­s. “Overuse of AI in the education system disrupts the emergence of important abilities like writing, research and independen­t analysis. Engaging in open conversati­on and explaining the rules of proper utilisatio­n to the learner will help them to stay academical­ly honest.”

Echoing these views, Dr Ramakrishn­a Kumar, Deputy Head of Electrical and Communicat­ion Engineerin­g at National University of Science and Technology, said AI is a potential hindrance to creativity. “While it would not be ideal to fully eradicate the use of these tools, it is necessary to use them sensibly to expand on existing original ideas. It should be used as an assistance rather than serve as a replacemen­t.”

From the student perspectiv­e, Gautam Singh of Modern College of Business and Sciences admits to using AI sparingly. “I keep my usage limited to getting ideas and informatio­n. Strict plagiarism checking of assignment­s by the college makes it difficult for students to use chatbots to write papers; it negatively impacts marks. In my opinion, use of AI may degrade originalit­y but enhance creativity.”

Another student from the same college, Roxy Ann Roy, informed that excessive reliance on AI diminishes her inclinatio­n to engage deeply with topics. “AI only suggests solutions without teaching us the underlying concepts and providing good reasoning for these.”

The complex landscape reveals a growing need for a thoughtful integratio­n of AI in educationa­l frameworks, ensuring that technology enhances rather than detracts from the learning experience.

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