Muscat Daily

Israeli army expands operation in Jabalia camp, northern Gaza


Gaza City, Palestine - The Israeli army on Wednesday expanded its incursion into the Jabalia refugee camp, northern Gaza Strip, under heavy Israeli bombardmen­t and shelling.

Eyewitness­es told Anadolu that the Israeli forces reached the Al-trans area, central the camp, amid fierce clashes with the Palestinia­n resistant groups.

The Israeli army destroyed several homes inside the camp, and forced hundreds to flee their areas in the camp, the eyewitness­es added. The attack on Jabalia came as the Israeli army continues its incursion into the eastern areas of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, crowded with displaced Palestinia­ns.

At least 12 Palestinia­ns were killed in fresh Israeli airstrikes in the battered Gaza Strip on Wednesday, according to medical sources and witnesses.

Three bodies were recovered from under the rubble of a house struck by Israeli warplanes in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourh­ood in Gaza City, a medical source told Anadolu. A mother and her son were also killed in a strike targeting their house in the Yarmouk neighbourh­ood in Gaza City, witnesses said.

Five more people lost their lives in another Israeli attack on a house in the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, according to witnesses.

Two more people were killed and several others injured when Israeli forces shelled a group of civilians in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza. Israeli shelling of several neighbourh­oods in Gaza City including AlRimal, Al-sabra, and Al-zaytoun also left several casualties.

The military also continued to eastern areas of the southern city of Rafah, causing wide-scale destructio­n and damage to property. Last week it launched a ground attack in Rafah, where more than 1.5mn displaced Palestinia­ns have sheltered.

At least 12 Palestinia­ns were killed in fresh Israeli airstrikes in the battered Gaza Strip, according to medical sources and witnesses

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