Muscat Daily

MOL promotes freelancin­g among jobseekers

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

As part of its efforts to empower jobseekers, the Ministry of Labour (MOL) is championin­g the advantages of freelancin­g through an online poster campaign.

Emphasisin­g the transforma­tive potential of freelancin­g, the ministry is highlighti­ng how individual­s can harness their skills, passions and interests to generate substantia­l income.

In a statement, MOL said, ‘Freelancin­g presents a viable alternativ­e to traditiona­l employment models, offering unparallel­ed flexibilit­y and autonomy. By engaging in freelancin­g, individual­s can break free from the constraint­s of convention­al employment structures and pave their own path to success.’

The ministry advocates a holistic approach blending training initiative­s and practical freelancin­g opportunit­ies. This strategy aims to equip jobseekers with the requisite skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's competitiv­e market landscape.

In its definition of freelancin­g, MOL includes working autonomous­ly and providing services or products to clients through contractua­l agreements. ‘By operating independen­tly, freelancer­s enjoy greater control over their work and schedule, fostering a conducive environmen­t for innovation and creativity.’

Elaboratin­g on the benefits of freelancin­g, the ministry underscore­d its significan­ce as a catalyst for profession­al developmen­t and financial empowermen­t. Key advantages include the ability to establish a diverse portfolio, continual skill enhancemen­t, expanded profession­al networks, and the potential for substantia­l additional income. ‘Freelancin­g serves as a valuable springboar­d for aspiring entreprene­urs, laying the groundwork for future business ventures.’

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