Muscat Daily

University students in Greece join global pro-palestine campus protests

- Anadolu Agency Le Temps.

Athens, Greece - University students in Greece have set up an encampment in support of Palestine, joining similar protests that started on campuses in the US and swiftly spread to Europe and the rest of the world.

Hundreds of students gathered at the University of Athens’ main building following a call by left-wing student unions close to the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), the country’s fourth largest political party, carrying Palestinia­n flags and banners expressing support for the Palestinia­n cause.

Speeches at the rally by student leaders, representa­tives of Palestinia­n student groups and

KKE General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumpa­s focused on Western complicity in Israel’s devastatin­g assault on Gaza. The speakers all called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and for the internatio­nal community to make a free Palestine a reality.

The protesters also announced that they would also set up an encampment in the university’s main yard, right next to Panepistim­iou Street, one of the Greek capital’s major thoroughfa­res. Speaking to Anadolu, Andonis Lazos, a student at the Athens School of Fine Arts, said the protesters came out to show ‘wouldn’t keep silent in the face of the genocide in Gaza being perpetrate­d by Israel with the support of NATO and the EU’.

“The students of Greece, like all the other students in the world, the US and the countries of Europe, are protesting because they cannot remain silent about this ongoing crime, this genocide by the state of Israel with the support of NATO, the EU and other countries of Europe,” he said.

“Seeing the pictures of dead children in the rubble, mothers crying, it’s truly horrific and no human with feelings can stay silent.”

Katerina Andoiou, who was at the protest with her children, both university students, said their aim is to extend solidarity to Palestinia­ns and all other peace-loving people of the world.

Another student, who wished to remain anonymous, said the protests are not about taking sides between Hamas or Israel.

“I’m here because of what is happening in Gaza, Palestine. A genocide is a genocide,” he said.

Meanwhile, police on Tuesday stormed the pro-palestinia­n encampment at the University of Geneva and dispersed the protesting students, according to reports. Police arrived at the campus at around 5am (0300GMT) where the protests started last week, according to the daily

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