Muscat Daily

Bank Muscat to participat­e in Auto Expo Oman


Bank Muscat, the leading financial services provider in the Sultanate of Oman, announced its participat­ion in the Auto Expo Oman which will be organised from Thursday to Saturday in the Used Cars Complex in the wilayat of Sohar, North Batinah governorat­e.

The event aims to provide a platform to showcase the latest innovation­s and developmen­ts in the automobile industry, as well as create a space to exchange knowledge and expertise, attracting those who are interested in the sector and enhancing the export market in the sultanate.

During the three-day exhibition, customers will be able to visit Bank Muscat’s stall and know more about Sayyarati finance and familiaris­e themselves with the various benefits and services introduced. Customers will also get the chance to benefit from Sayyarati auto finance offer with the best rates in the market that start at just 3.75% per annum on both new and preowned cars for Omani nationals and expatriate­s.

With this year’s ‘ Sayyarati’ offer, customers may start paying after two months of loan disbursal. It must also be noted that Sayyarati has some of the best interest rates in the country including 4% for a period up to two years and 4.25% for loan tenors of three years and 4.5% for a four-year loan tenor.

The special rates are available for Omani individual­s employed in government, quasi - government, Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies and expatriate­s individual­s employed in government and quasi-government institutio­ns as well as Tier 1 companies, considerin­g that all terms and conditions related to Sayyarati Auto

Loan will be applied.

The ‘Sayyarati’ financing product features multiple advantages including enabling customers to apply for a loan up to RO60,000 for both new and used vehicles, a tenor up to eight to ten years for Omani nationals, and free third-party insurance in case of pre-owned car financing.

On this occasion, Taya Eid Bait Sabeea, Deputy General Manager - Interior Regions, Bank Muscat, stated, “Bank Muscat is keen to provide various offers and financial facilities to enhance customer experience and enable them to benefit from the services offered. Sayyarati auto finance has been receiving good feedback duo to the value-added benefits it offers. We are pleased to take part in this exhibition to meet our valued customers and introduce Sayyarati auto finance. I would like to take this opportunit­y to invite our customers and people interested in cars and benefit from the special offer on Sayyarati auto finance.”

Customers may apply for ‘Sayyarati’ financing loan online via Bank Muscat’s Internet Banking and Mobile Banking platforms or by visiting the nearest Bank Muscat branch or Sayyarti Centres in Wattayah and Salalah.

Customers are also required to submit the relevant documents to process the loan facility, including the ID card for Omanis, passport for expatriate­s, salary assignment letter, quotation/car valuation from the approved valuator, driving licence, Mulkiya (for pre-owned cars only) and seller’s ID card (for pre-owned cars only). The monthly loan installmen­ts are automatica­lly deducted from the customer’s account once the mandate to do so is provided to the bank.

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