Muscat Daily

Standard Chartered Bank forecasts further upside for Oman’s credit rating

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

In its latest Global Focus report for Q2 2024, Standard Chartered Bank projects continued improvemen­t in Oman’s credit rating, citing a series of consecutiv­e upgrades in recent years.

'Currently rated BB+, up from B+ in 2021, Oman is poised to regain its investment-grade rating as a result of a continued reduction in its debt-to-gdp ratio, enhanced fiscal performanc­e, and a commitment to medium-term reforms,' Standard Chartered said in a press statement on Tuesday.

Standard Chartered anticipate­s a further decline in Oman's public debt to 34% of GDP by the end of 2024, supported by sustained twin surpluses. External debt repayment is expected to amount to 5% of GDP in 2024, potentiall­y covered by fiscal surplus proceeds or refinancin­g options.

As per the bank's estimates, Oman's inflation is forecasted to decelerate further from 1.0% in 2023, with growth in the non-oil sector (70% of real GDP) picking up to 2.5% in 2024, driven by

Oman’s steadfast reforms pave the way for an imminent return to investment-grade rating, fueled by a robust economic trajectory and strong non-oil growth HUSSAIN AL-YAFAI

sectors such as tourism, manufactur­ing and trade.

The commitment to reforms underscore­s Oman’s mediumterm outlook, with structural changes aimed at improving the business environmen­t, attracting foreign direct investment, and executing IPOS. Standard Chartered projects a policy rate of 5.5% by the end of 2024, consistent with its latest US Fed rate forecasts.

Hussain al-yafai, CEO of Standard Chartered Oman, said, "Oman's steadfast reforms pave the way for an imminent return to investment-grade rating, fueled by a robust economic trajectory and strong non-oil growth.”

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