Muscat Daily

Oman calls for Palestinia­n state recognitio­n in UN address


The Sultanate of Oman has affirmed that achieving an end to the conflict in the Middle East requires the establishm­ent of a Palestinia­n state with full and unlimited membership in the United Nations. This, it stressed, is not only a strategic necessity for the next stage but also a global demand supported by the internatio­nal community.

Counsellor Sayyed Ahmed bin Hamoud al Busaidi, a member of Oman’s permanent delegation to UN in New York, delivered this message during a speech before the UN General Assembly during the tenth emergency special session of the assembly.

Oman called on the Security Council to reconsider its stance on granting Palestine full membership in the UN. It argued that rejecting such a request undermines security and peace in the Middle East and globally. Oman also criticised the Security Council for its perceived double standards on the Palestinia­n issue, which it believes harms the

council's credibilit­y.

Oman welcomed the overwhelmi­ng majority vote by members of the UN General Assembly on a resolution supporting Palestine's right to full UN membership. It highlighte­d the global majority's call on the Security Council to recognise Palestine as a practical step towards the twostate solution and a just peace, in accordance with internatio­nal legitimacy resolution­s.

Expressing deep concern over ongoing military escalation­s by Israeli forces and atrocities against civilians in Gaza and other occupied Palestinia­n territorie­s, Oman warned of the catastroph­ic consequenc­es of such actions, particular­ly the recent military operations in Rafah. It cautioned against further conflict and tension in the region.

Oman reiterated its support for peace efforts and the twostate solution, emphasisin­g safe coexistenc­e. It firmly rejected any project that does not contribute to a just and comprehens­ive peace or provide a permanent solution to the Palestinia­n issue. The sultanate affirmed its support for the legitimate demands of the Palestinia­n people, including their right to full UN membership.

Additional­ly, Oman aligned itself with statements made by other delegation­s, including those of the United Arab Emirates (on behalf of the Arab Group), the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (on behalf of the Organisati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n), and the Republic of Uganda (on behalf of the NonAligned Movement), all of which supported Palestine's right for full UN membership.

 ?? ?? Sayyed Ahmed al Busaidi
Sayyed Ahmed al Busaidi

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