Muscat Daily

360,000 Palestinia­ns leave Rafah

Israeli bombardmen­ts and other evacuation orders have created more displaceme­nt, says UNRWA


Gaza, Palestine - The number of Palestinia­ns who were forced to leave Rafah due to attacks by Israeli forces rose to 360,000, the UN agency for Palestinia­n refugees said on Monday.

“Nearly 360,000 people have fled #Rafah since the first evacuation order a week ago,” UNRWA stated on X.

“Meanwhile, in north #Gaza bombardmen­ts & other evacuation orders have created more displaceme­nt & fear for thousands of families,” it added.

The agency further underlined: “There’s nowhere to go. There’s NO safety without a #ceasefire.”

Israel has waged an unrelentin­g offensive on the Gaza Strip since a cross-border attack by Hamas last October 7 which killed some 1,200 people.

More than 35,000 Palestinia­ns have since been killed in Gaza, mostly women and children, and 78,400 others injured, according to Palestinia­n health authoritie­s.

Over seven months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins, pushing 85 per cent of the enclave’s population into internal displaceme­nt amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water, and medicine, according to the UN.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the Internatio­nal Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January said it is ‘plausible’ that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and ordered Tel Aviv to stop such acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitari­an assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

‘Protect civilian lives’

Meanwhile, Germany on Monday urged the protection of civilian lives in Rafah, the southern Gazan city that is home to over 1.4mn refugees and where a ‘precise’ Israeli military operation is underway.

We think it’s ‘incredibly difficult’ to conduct a large-scale ground offensive in a densely populated city like Rafah. That’s why we always appeal that ‘the protection of the civilian population plays a very important role in such military action’, deputy Foreign Ministry spokesman Christian Wagner told journalist­s in Berlin. He reiterated the need for accelerate­d diplomatic efforts to resolve the Gaza war that began on October 7, 2023.

“Ultimately, we are all united by the goal that we must come back to a political process that ultimately shows a solution to this conflict. In the long term, the two-state solution is the only solution to sustainabl­y resolve the Middle East conflict,” Wagner said.

Earlier on Sunday, the Gaza Health Ministry said at least 500 medical personnel have been killed since the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza, as the world marked Internatio­nal Nurses Day. “Here in Palestine and in Gaza in particular, this day passes as the Israeli occupation has killed 138 nurses. This year’s Internatio­nal Nurses Day is exceptiona­l, and it is our right to name this year the Year of Nursing,” ministry spokespers­on Khalil al-daqran said during a news conference on the sidelines of a sit-in organised by nurses at Al-aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the city of Deir al-balah in the central Gaza Strip.

“Nurses, midwives and medical teams are an integral part of the fabric of the Palestinia­n people. They were the martyrs who played their national and humanitari­an role to save the lives of the wounded and the sick,” said al-daqran.

“They fulfilled their profession­al oath in a year where records were broken in terms of the amount of treatment provided under circumstan­ces where the medical personnel were martyred, injured, displaced in tents or detained in Israeli racist prisons, with the number of medical personnel reaching 500 martyrs, 1,500 wounded and 312 detainees,” he added. Al-daqran called on the ‘internatio­nal community and free people of the world to protect medical personnel and health institutio­ns and to criminalis­e attacks against them’.

He also urged unions, internatio­nal organisati­ons and the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) to send medical and nursing teams to support health teams in Gaza.

Protection of civilian population plays a very important role in such military action. Two-state solution is the only solution to sustainabl­y resolve the Middle East conflict


 ?? ?? Nearly 360,000 people have fled Rafah since the first evacuation order a week ago
Nearly 360,000 people have fled Rafah since the first evacuation order a week ago

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