Muscat Daily

Be’ah launches 3rd Eco-innovate Oman event


Oman Environmen­tal Services Holding Company (be’ah), is proud to announce the launch of the highly anticipate­d third edition of Eco-innovate Oman (EIO).

EIO, the pioneering small business boot camp and accelerato­r programme, is dedicated to nurturing and supporting the brightest Omani eco-preneurs in transformi­ng their innovative green ideas into successful businesses. The announceme­nt was made during a press conference held at be’ah’s headquarte­rs.

As Oman’s premier platform for eco-conscious innovators, EIO empowers Omani startups to bring their sustainabl­e visions to life. Through a two-week intensive Boot Camp and three months of personaliz­ed coaching, EIO equips entreprene­urs with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the green, circular economy. Most importantl­y, EIO prepares the startups to attract the investment funding necessary to bring their commercial visions to the market.

“Upon completion of EIO these Omani startups will know exactly what investors are looking for-they will be 100% investment ready,” said William Crew, founder of Inspired Solutions and EIO trainer. “EIO will make introducti­ons with local investors-we open the door; the startups are trained to walk through it.”

With the guidance of local and internatio­nal business coaches, EIO accelerate­s participan­ts' financial, managerial, and strategic prowess, while sharpening their communicat­ion skills to captivate investors. The ultimate goal is to secure the necessary funding to turn their green dreams into profitable realities.

“We are thrilled to launch the third edition of Eco-innovate Oman,” said Dr Farah al Barwani, Senior Manager - Research & Developmen­t at be’ah. “By providing a nurturing ecosystem for Omani eco-preneurs, EIO unlocks transforma­tive opportunit­ies and drives positive change in our society.” Eco-innovate Oman -launched in 2020 - aims to support and empower eco-preneurs in bringing their green, eco-conscious products and services to market. By offering intensive training, personaliz­ed coaching, and access to expertise and funding, EIO paves the way for sustainabl­e entreprene­urship and a greener future.

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