Muscat Daily

OPAZ seeks to strengthen economic partnershi­ps between Oman and China


Omani delegation's visit to China is part of OPAZ'S strategy to strengthen economic cooperatio­n, attract internatio­nal investment, create new strategic alliances, and share technology, expertise, and experience­s

Beijing, China – In an effort to further the objectives of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ) and the sultanate's industrial estates in attracting and localising quality investment­s, the Omani embassy in China held a series of bilateral meetings with several large Chinese companies.

An Omani business delegation led by H E Eng Ahmed Hassan al Dheeb, Deputy Chairman of OPAZ, met with Chinese businessme­n from various companies operating in targeted sectors, including green industries, iron, technology, modern informatio­n technology and chemicals in Beijing.

The Omani delegation's visit to China is part of OPAZ'S strategy to strengthen economic cooperatio­n, attract internatio­nal investment, create new strategic alliances, and share technology, expertise, and experience­s.

H E Nasser bin Mohammed al Busaidi, Oman's Ambassador to China, also attended the meeting.

During these discussion­s, H E Dheeb elaborated on the infrastruc­ture, incentives for investors, and investment prospects in the sultanate's industrial cities, free zones, and special economic zones. He emphasised the role that Oman's economic, free, and industrial zones play in attracting investment­s, localising industries, and fostering various forms of economic growth.

The OPAZ delegation also participat­ed in the Omani-chinese Investment Forum organised by the Embassy of Oman in China to introduce the investment environmen­t and opportunit­ies in Oman. The agenda included visits to several specialise­d Chinese companies and factories to learn about the experience­s of Chinese companies in the targeted fields.

Representa­tives from OPAZ, the Special Economic Zone at Duqm, the Public Establishm­ent for Industrial Estates (Madayn), and the Invest in Oman Hall were among the delegation.

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