Muscat Daily

Oman-brazil event presents investment opportunit­ies

- Our Correspond­ent

Oman and Brazil commemorat­ed 50 years of diplomatic ties by hosting Omani-brazilian Investment Forum in Muscat on Tuesday. The two-day event aims to bolster bilateral relations, foster cooperatio­n and forge partnershi­ps across various sectors between private entities of both nations.

Organised by Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MOCIIP) in collaborat­ion with Ministry of Heritage and Tourism and Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), the forum kicked off under the patronage of HE Salim Mohammed al Mahrouqi, Minister of Heritage and Tourism.

The event was graced by H E Qais bin Mohammed al Yousef, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, Celso Sabino De Oliveira, Brazilian Minister of Tourism, Sheikh Ahmed bin Amer al Maslahi, Chairman of OCCI'S Small and Medium Enterprise­s Committee, and representa­tives of various public sector entities.

The primary objective of the forum is to familiaris­e the two business communitie­s with each other’s investment prospects, particular­ly in clean energy, reexports, heavy industries, food security and informatio­n technology.

Additional­ly, the event seeks to facilitate exchange of expertise and experience­s in research, innovation, agricultur­e, space and mining.

Pankaj Khimji, MOCIIP'S Advisor for Foreign Trade and Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n, emphasised the forum's significan­ce in reinforcin­g the longstandi­ng diplomatic ties between Oman and Brazil while shedding light on the sultanate's business and investment environmen­t.

H E Talal bin Sulaiman bin Habib al Rahbi, Oman's Ambassador to Brazil, described the forum as an avenue for companies and entreprene­urs from both countries to explore commercial and investment opportunit­ies. He underscore­d the keen interest of Brazilian officials, businessme­n and companies in understand­ing Oman's investment potential and enhancing bilateral trade.

Alongside the forum, an exhibition titled ‘Made in Brazil’ is showcasing Brazilian products and services. Participat­ing companies and factories aim to explore opportunit­ies in the Omani market and leverage the sultanate’s free zones for re-export to Asian and African countries.

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