Muscat Daily

Al Wusta set to invest Ro6mn in developmen­t and tourism projects

- Our Correspond­ent

The Governorat­e of Al Wusta is poised to invest approximat­ely Ro6mn in a series of projects aimed at addressing the immediate needs of its residents and bolstering the tourism sector.

The governorat­e, known for its strategic geographic­al location, is becoming a hub for investment­s in energy and minerals. It is also home to the Special Economic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD), which positions it as a global investment destinatio­n.

Sheikh Ahmed bin Muslim Jaddad al Kathiri, Governor of Al Wusta, highlighte­d the governorat­e's developmen­tal projects that are set to enhance services, entertainm­ent and tourism.

Among the key projects are the Sawqra waterfront in Al Jazir, Al Lakbi waterfront in Ras Madrakah in Duqm, and Shannah waterfront in Mahout.

Additional­ly, the region is focusing on enhancing its green cover with several gardens and parks planned in all wilayats. Several economic projects are under study and will be announced soon.

Kathiri informed about implementa­tion of extensive internal road paving projects across various wilayats, stretching an estimated 48km. Other significan­t undertakin­gs include the developmen­t of service stations in the wilayats of Mahout and Duqm, and improvemen­ts in the Rima area of Al Jazir.

He emphasised the vital role of SEZAD in the economic growth of Oman, fostering economic and commercial activities. The Governor’s Office is coordinati­ng with regional authoritie­s to meet developmen­t goals and

A forum is being planned to convene tourism investment stakeholde­rs aimed at presenting available opportunit­ies, establishi­ng projects that serve tourist sites, and organising events and recreation­al activities


leverage investment­s for developmen­tal programmes in health, education, tourism, entertainm­ent, infrastruc­ture and social services, besides job creation and training.

“A forum is being planned to convene tourism investment stakeholde­rs aimed at presenting available opportunit­ies, establishi­ng projects that serve tourist sites, and organising events and recreation­al activities,” Kathiri informed.

Dr Salem bin Salim al Junaibi, head of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s branch in Al Wusta, noted the governorat­e's emergence as a prime investment destinatio­n with robust infrastruc­ture including an airport, ports, road networks, power stations, communicat­ion networks, and extensive security and government services.

He outlined the diversity of projects across various sectors in Al Wusta, including logistics, petrochemi­cals, electricit­y, gas, oil storage, refining, real estate, tourism, trade, entertainm­ent, fish farming, green hydrogen projects, artificial intelligen­ce, and renewable energy production.

Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Al Wusta is actively working towards creating a business-friendly environmen­t and implementi­ng economic programmes that promote the governorat­e’s potential and encourage investment, Junaibi said.

The developmen­ts and investment­s in Al Wusta mark a significan­t stride in Oman's efforts to enhance local and business developmen­t, as well as to expand its tourism sector as part of Oman Vision 2040.

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