Muscat Daily

Oman’s condensate production rises 8.5% as oil output declines


As Oman continues to adhere to its OPEC+ commitment­s on oil production cuts, the sultanate has substantia­lly increased its condensate output during 2023. Condensate production is exempt from the obligation­s of the OPEC+ agreement.

Oman's total condensate production during the JanuaryNov­ember period of 2023 rose by 8.5% to 78.1mn barrels compared to 71.9mn barrels recorded in the same period in 2022, according to data issued by the National Centre for Statistics and Informatio­n (NCSI).

Condensate is a mixture of light liquid hydrocarbo­ns typically separated from a natural gas stream at the point of production. The OPEC+ agreement allowed NON-OPEC oil producers to exclude condensate output from their production quotas, enabling countries like Oman to increase their condensate production.

S&P Global Ratings recently said that OPEC+ related oil production cuts will slow Oman’s economic growth to approximat­ely 1% for 2023.

‘Oman is a voluntary adherent to the OPEC+ agreement. We expect hydrocarbo­n sector output to remain relatively stable, with the decline in oil production mitigated by an increase in condensate and gas production. We forecast the non-hydrocarbo­n economy to grow by about 2%. A likely increase in hydrocarbo­n production should spur growth in 2024 and 2025,’ S&P said.

Oman’s crude oil production decreased by 3.9% to 272.4mn barrels in the first 11 months of 2023 compared to 283.5mn barrels in the same period last year, as indicated by NCSI data.

The sultanate’s daily average oil production (crude oil and condensate­s combined) decreased by 1.4% to 1.049mn barrels per day (bpd) in the January–november period of this year, down from 1.064mn bpd in the first 11 months of 2022. Daily average oil output in November reached 1.041mn bpd.

Oil exports decline

Oman’s oil exports saw a 3.1% year-on-year decline in the first 11 months of 2023, primarily due to a significan­t drop in shipments to India.

The sultanate exported a total of 283.4mn barrels of oil in the first 11 months of 2023, com

pared to 292.4mn barrels in the correspond­ing period last year, according to NCSI data.

Oman’s crude exports to India plummeted by more than 90% to just 2.7mn barrels this year, down from 29.9mn barrels in the correspond­ing period of 2022. India’s crude oil imports from traditiona­l Middle Eastern suppliers significan­tly declined this year, largely due to increased imports of Russian oil.

However, the sultanate’s exports to China, the largest buyer of Oman crude, increased by 10.1% to 260.6mn barrels in the first 11 months of 2023, up from 236.7mn in the same period last year. As the single largest buyer of Oman’s crude, China accounted for nearly 92% of total oil shipments from January to November 2023.

Shipments to South Korea and Japan witnessed sharp declines of 68% and 16.9% this year, respective­ly.

The average price at which Oman sold its crude during the first 11 months of 2023 was 14.8% lower at $81.6 per barrel compared with $95.8 per barrel in the same period of 2022.

Oman’s crude oil production decreased by 3.9% to 272.4mn barrels in the first 11 months of 2023 compared to 283.5mn barrels in the same period of 2022

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