Muscat Daily

Initiative to boost advanced digital skills of Omani youth


Ministry of Transport, Communicat­ions and Informatio­n Technology (MTCIT) has launched an Initiative called Digital Makeen as part of the National Programme for the Digital Economy in efforts to train Omani youth to lead the digital transforma­tion.

An official at MTCIT said, “The initiative aims to qualify Omani youth with modern digital skills that are in high demand in the labour market. Additional­ly, it seeks to provide income-generating opportunit­ies for Omani youth in the digital sector by 2025, aligning with the ministry's objectives in the 10th Five-year Plan.” The initiative involves a multi-pronged approach - technical camps; certificat­ion for advanced skills and profession­al specialise­d qualificat­ion; and technical camps.

Technical camps will offer intensive practical training programmes of six-month duration, focusing on developing skills and competenci­es in digital Oman for the labour market. The camps will include programmes for advanced technologi­es such as artificial intelligen­ce, data science, software engineerin­g, mobile app developmen­t, and integrated web developmen­t.

The ‘Najeh’ programme, a training camp in collaborat­ion OXY Company focused on cybersecur­ity and database, and has 23 trainees in the first round.

The Makeen Camp programme, in collaborat­ion with Coding Academy, targets computer engineerin­g and informatio­n technology, with 100 trainees in 2023. Additional­ly, 15 jobseekers participat­ed in ‘Omani-saudi Camps’ for data analysis, web developmen­t (Java) and cybersecur­ity.

The MTCIT official added, “The Mini Certificat­es for Advanced Skills offer electronic training programmes via local or internatio­nal platforms, preparing beneficiar­ies for specific technical skills. The goal is to equip independen­t workers in the Omani market, enabling them to benefit from global and local self-employment platforms. This aspect of the initiative includes the Makeen Advanced Digital Certificat­ion Programme in collaborat­ion with the Ministry of Labour through the Udacity platform, training 4,200 jobseekers of which 600 have already undergone training.”

The specialise­d profession­al qualificat­ion programmes target prominent technology partners such as Huawei, Cisco and Microsoft. The aim is to qualify beneficiar­ies and supply the market with specialist­s holding accredited profession­al certificat­es.

A module focused on technologi­es of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is in partnershi­p with Tech Mahindra, training 23 participan­ts in the first batch.

Other modules include earth observatio­n and cloud computing on Amazon technologi­es with 27 and 116 trainees, respective­ly.

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