Muscat Daily

WHO calls for ‘strong surveillan­ce’ on new COVID sub-variant


Geneva, Switzerlan­d - In the wake of the surge in respirator­y diseases and new JN.1 COVID sub-variant, the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) said that the virus is evolving and changing and urged the member states to continue with strong surveillan­ce and sequence sharing.

The global body also shared a video of its COVID-19 technical lead, Maria Van Kerkhove, who explained the reason for the recent surges and what precaution­s can be taken.

“Dr @mvankerkho­ve talks about the current surge in respirator­y diseases #COVID19 and JN.1 subvariant. WHO continues to assess the situation. Follow WHO’S public health advice to keep your families and friends safe during this holiday season,” WHO posted on X .

Maria Van Kerkhove also took to the social media platform and said that a number of pathogens have led to the rise in respirator­y diseases across the world.

“Respirator­y diseases are increasing around the world due to a number of pathogens incl #COVID19, #flu, rhinovirus, mycoplasma pneumonia & othERSSARS-COV-2 continues to evolve. JN.1 (subvariant of BA.2.86) is already a VOI and continues to increase in circulatio­n,” she stated.

In the video message, Kerkhove said that the recent surge in respirator­y infections is due to multiple reasons, including increased gatherings during the holiday season and other infections. “It’s not just COVID-19 that’s circulatin­g; we have influenza, other viruses, and bacteria. In other parts of the world, we are entering the winter months, and people are starting to gather for the holiday season. And as people gather, they spend more time indoors, especially if there is poor ventilatio­n. These pathogens that spread efficientl­y between people and through the air will take advantage,” she said.

She further explained that the rise in COVID cases is because the virus is evolving, adding that 68 per cent of the current cases are cases of XBB sublineage­s and other groupings like JN.1.

“COVID-19 is one of the diseases that is currently on the rise, and this is again due to a number of factors; the virus SARS-COV-2 is evolving, changing, and circulatin­g in all countries,” Kerkhove said.

She added: “In some countries, we have these XBB sublineage­s, and they represent around 68 per cent or so of the sequences that are shared globally. The other grouping is BA.2.86, most notably JN.1 which causes the full spectrum, everything from asymptomat­ic infection. All the way to severe disease and death, similar to what we have seen with other Omicron sublineage­s.”

The WHO expert urged the member states to continue with strong surveillan­ce and sequence sharing so that proper steps can be taken to ‘potentiall­y modify’ the advice for the world.

She also advised people to get vaccinatio­ns and, in cases of infection, take clinical care.

“Protect yourself from infection using a number of tools. But also make sure that if you get infected, you get clinical care and get vaccinated when it’s your turn to prevent severe disease and death. All COVID-19 vaccines continue to provide against severe disease and death, and this includes all the circulatin­g variants, including JN.1,” Kerkhove said.

Meanwhile, India’s Union Ministry of Health has initiated preparedne­ss measures after a case of the JN.1 subvariant of COVID was found in Kerala as part of the ongoing routine surveillan­ce conducted by the Indian SARS-COV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG).

A mock drill is underway in health facilities across states, evaluating public health and hospital readiness.

 ?? Dr Maria Van Kerkhove ??
Dr Maria Van Kerkhove

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