Muscat Daily

Ministry of Education signs pact with Pocari


The Ministry of Education, represente­d by the Omani School Sports Associatio­n, signed a financing and cooperatio­n agreement with Muscat Pharmacy and Stores Company, under the brand name Pocari Sweat, at the Ministry’s General Diwan Theatre.

The agreement was signed on behalf of the ministry by Abdullah al Saadi, director general of the Directorat­e General of Financial Affairs and Treasurer of the Oman School Sports Associatio­n, and on behalf of the company by Bakul Shamaldas Mita, CEO of Muscat Stores and Pharmacy, in the presence of Mohammed Makhlouf, director of Promotion at Pocari Sweets.

The importance of signing the agreement for the second consecutiv­e academic year is to support the Pocari Sweat Football Championsh­ip for first cycle education students, with the participat­ion of eight schools, from six educationa­l directorat­es in the governorat­es of Al Wusta, Dhahirah, North Sharqiyah, Buraimi, Musandam, and South Batinah, in addition to the participat­ion of Cheltenham Muscat School, which is hosting the tournament with the aim of instilling sports values, encouragin­g students to practice physical activity, discoverin­g, and nurturing talented people, and creating a sports atmosphere.

The signing of this agreement comes to consolidat­e the foundation­s of effective partnershi­p between the government and the private sectors in the fields of education, to enhance the comprehens­ive developmen­t of Omani youth in a manner consistent with the associatio­n’s goals and aspiration­s and Oman Vision 2040, in addition to embodying the Omani School Sports Associatio­n’s commitment to developing school sports, and providing opportunit­ies for first cycle education students to participat­e in sports activities that enhance their health, personal developmen­t, and intellectu­al, psychologi­cal, and social building.

This tournament will be held in its final stage at Cheltenham Muscat School in January 2024.

Before signing the agreement, Fahad al Moshaikhi, secretary general of Omani School Sports Associatio­n, thanked the company and appreciate­d the great role played by community partnershi­ps, which contribute significan­tly to the advancemen­t of school sports in all its aspects.

Mohammed Makhlouf, director of promotion for Pocari Sweat, pointed out the company’s role in supporting community institutio­ns, in general, and stressed that the goal of renewing the agreement with the associatio­n came after the great and clear work they had seen in the previous tournament.

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