Muscat Daily

22 teams in Huawei ICT regional finals in Bahrain


The Regional Final of the Huawei ICT Competitio­n 2023-2024 Middle East & Central Asia kicks off in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in partnershi­p with Bahrain Polytechni­c and the University of Bahrain, from December 19.

The event will bring together exceptiona­l young talents from across the region, inspiring them to embrace digital technology and become future industry leaders in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, hence bridging the digital gap and paving the way for vibrant digital economies in their countries, a press release said.

The seventh edition of Huawei’s long-standing flagship ICT talent developmen­t initiative will witness 22 teams from 11 Middle Eastern & Central Asian countries, including Oman, Bahrain, Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Kuwait, and UAE. Since its launch in 2017, Huawei's ME & CA ICT Competitio­n has become the largest and most influentia­l initiative in the region, a powerful programme for cultivatin­g ICT talent and improving ME & CA countries’ national competitiv­eness with ICT future leaders. More than 100,000 college students have signed up for the first six competitio­ns.

Shunli Wang, vice president of Huawei Middle East & Central Asia, said, “ICT talents form the crucial backbone of Middle East and Central Asia’s digital economy and Huawei is dedicated to providing students with a platform for knowledge transfer, healthy competitio­n, and exchange of innovative ideas, focusing on enhancing their ICT knowledge and practical skills. The Huawei ICT Competitio­n underlines our commitment to nurturing young minds across the region while being a focal platform that brings together visionary government leaders, forward-thinking academia, and enthusiast­ic students.”

The Huawei ICT Competitio­n 2023-2024 Middle East & Central Asia chapter kicked off in August this year and covered 21 countries in the region. With the support of UNESCO, and more than 20 ministries, operators, and industry partners, Huawei has attracted more than 27,500 students from over 600 universiti­es across the region. This year’s edition has achieved the highest level of participat­ion ever in the competitio­n's history.

The Huawei ICT Competitio­n underlines our commitment to nurturing young minds across the region


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