Muscat Daily

Oman, India make progress on free trade agreement

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

The negotiatio­ns between India and Oman for a free trade agreement have made substantia­l progress in the last few rounds of discussion­s, according to India's Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra.

Kwatra informed that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik gave a strong push to conclude the India-oman Comprehens­ive Economic Partnershi­p Agreement (CEPA) as early as possible.

"Although the negotiatio­ns on CEPA have started only recently, they have made substantia­l progress in the last few rounds of discussion and both leaders gave strong impetus and push to conclude the CEPA agreement as early as possible," Kwatra said in a special press briefing in New Delhi on Saturday, as reported by ANI.

The formal commenceme­nt meeting for India-oman CEPA took place on November 20, 2023, followed by the first round of negotiatio­ns in New Delhi from November 27 to November 29. The negotiatio­ns continued with the second round in Muscat from December 9 to December 11.

Oman is India's third largest export destinatio­n within the GCC region. Bilateral trade between two countries surged from $5.01bn in Indian financial year 2018-19 to $12.39bn in Indian financial year 2022-23, according to an ANI report.

In another significan­t developmen­t in the India-oman economic partnershi­p, the third tranche of the Oman-india Joint Investment Fund has been announced, marking a major milestone in trade and capital cooperatio­n between the two nations.

Kwatra highlighte­d the importance of this achievemen­t during the state visit of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik to India. "An important achievemen­t in terms of India-oman trade and capital cooperatio­n was the announceme­nt of the third tranche of the Oman-india Joint Investment Fund," he said.

India's Foreign Secretary also said that the Oman-india Joint Investment Fund, a 50-50 joint venture between the State Bank of India (SBI) and the Oman Investment Authority (OIA), aims to bolster economic ties by directing investment­s into the fastest-growing sectors of the Indian economy.

The third tranche of this fund would be worth $300mn. The fund's earlier two tranches, valued at $100mn and $200mn, respective­ly, laid the groundwork for a strong economic alliance. The announceme­nt of the third tranche of the fund not only signifies a substantia­l financial commitment but also cements the long-term vision of both nations to deepen economic and cultural ties.

Kwatra also informed that the discussion­s are underway between India and Oman about utilising the UPI stack, adding that talks on the possibilit­y of rupee trade with Oman is still at the 'explorator­y stage'.

"Another element of discussion where we would try to move forward is the possibilit­y of rupee trade which can work between the two countries. This is still at an explorator­y stage but can be an important element of cooperatio­n going forward," Kwatra added.

On talks of digital payment cooperatio­n between Oman and India, Kwatra said both sides discussed utilising the UPI stack with the potential correspond­ing digital stack in the Omanis ecosystem.

"There are also other elements of the Indian stack in terms of the digital infrastruc­ture that can be suitable to Omanis priorities with regard to using now financial inclusion and financial technology payment systems; those are only one element of it but the interface of the UPI with a correspond­ing Oman platform is something we can talk about," he added.

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