Muscat Daily

Dhofar Adventure and Exploratio­n Team finds Dhalkut underwater thermal vents

- Our Correspond­ent

The Dhofar Adventure and Exploratio­n Team, in collaborat­ion with Environmen­t Authority (EA) and Bluefin Diving Centre, embarked on a mission recently to unravel the enigma of circular currents in the Arabian Sea off Dhalkut in Dhofar governorat­e.

Abdul Hakim Amer al Ma'ashani, leader of the team, informed of the findings from their dives conducted from November 21 to November 23 for a coral reef cleaning campaign organised by EA.

Ma'ashani explained that the team's dives led to the source of hot water springs near Dhalkut beach, known locally as ‘Hamwa Yadwar’. Shrouded in mystery and reputed to be deadly, these circular currents have been a subject of curiosity for centuries. “The team's divers reached the source to find hot water springs at a depth of 18m, approximat­ely 5,850m from the port of Dhalkut and 290m from the coast.”

The divers discovered multiple thermal vents where the water temperatur­e rose to nearboilin­g levels. “Samples of water and rocks were collected for further analysis by specialist­s,” informed Ma’ashani.

According to geologist Dr Ali Faraj al Kathiri, hot springs are typically formed by magma heating water beneath the Earth's surface, which then flow out as fountains.

“However,” he pointed out, “the Dhalkut hot springs might have a different origin. The presence of deep faults allows water to descend to hot rock reservoirs deep undergroun­d, where it gets heated and rises back to the surface as hot springs or steam. This theory aligns with Dhalkut's geological features, particular­ly the convergenc­e of three faults near the documented hot springs area.”

The findings of Dhofar Adventure and Exploratio­n Team not only demystify the circular currents but also contribute significan­tly to the understand­ing of the region's geothermal activity. These findings highlight the need for further research and exploratio­n in the area, promising exciting scope of study of geothermal phenomena.

The presence of deep faults allows water to descend to hot rock reservoirs deep undergroun­d, where it gets heated and rises back to the surface DR ALI FARAJ AL KATHIRI

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