Muscat Daily

CPA initiates innovative campaign to boost Omani market standards

- Our Correspond­ent Muscat

In a move to enhance consumer satisfacti­on and stimulate the economy, Consumer Protection Authority (CPA) has launched an innovative initiative named 'Consumer-friendly Establishm­ents’.

The initiative aims to elevate service standards and foster a customer-centric approach in commercial centres across Oman, benefiting both Omani and expatriate consumers.

A CPA official informed that the initiative focuses on assessing commercial establishm­ents on multiple aspects, including customer satisfacti­on, quality of services offered, and effectiven­ess in addressing customer feedback and complaints.

Establishm­ents scoring more than 80% of the set evaluation criteria will be recognised as 'Consumer-friendly Establishm­ents’, receiving several benefits.

The comprehens­ive evaluation report details performanc­e metrics, areas of improvemen­t, and a special pointer denoting their consumer-friendly status. Recognised establishm­ents are also permitted to publicise their classifica­tion and leverage this acknowledg­ment for marketing purposes.

“The benefits extend to consumers as well, who will enjoy improved service levels, swift complaint resolution, enhanced shopping experience­s, and incorporat­ion of modern technologi­es at the establishm­ents.”

Further underscori­ng CPA'S commitment to market fairness, the official highlighte­d the authority's action plan to combat overpricin­g, particular­ly of nontaxed items. “Field teams have been deployed to inspect shops and commercial centres, ensuring compliance with legal standards. Violations are promptly addressed as per the law.”

Another noteworthy campaign initiated by CPA was one called 'It is not possible to delay'. Launched on August 23, this two-month initiative focused on recalling faulty vehicles. The campaign aimed to fortify collaborat­ion between government and private sectors to reduce traffic accidents caused by manufactur­ing defects and increase awareness of vehicle recall regulation­s under the Consumer Protection Law.

CPA'S efforts have resulted in significan­t financial recoveries for consumers, with the third quarter of 2022 seeing a total of RO567,132 recovered through the resolution of consumer complaints. This figure reflects the authority's dedication to safeguardi­ng consumer rights and enhancing the overall shopping experience in the sultanate, fostering a market environmen­t where consumer interests are paramount.

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