Muscat Daily

Oman-india ties to secure stability in Indian Ocean region


His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik returned to the sultanate on Sunday following a three-day state visit to the Republic of India.

Sayyid Badr Hamad al Busaidi, Foreign Minister, stated that the visit underscore­d the strength of bilateral relations between Oman and India, constituti­ng a major milestone building on historical relations and paving the way for a new, positive stage in developing bilateral ties.

In a press statement, Sayyid Badr pointed out that the visit reflected joint commitment to strengthen cooperatio­n that stems from long-standing foundation­s of friendship, cultural and economic exchange, and continuous interactio­n between the peoples of the two friendly peoples.

The meetings of His Majesty the Sultan with Droupadi Murmu, President of India, and Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, affirmed the existence of tangible cooperatio­n that focuses on OmanIndia’s future perspectiv­es on prioritisi­ng engagement in the fields of economy, technology, energy, trade and investment, Sayyid Badr explained.

The visit concluded with the endorsemen­t of a joint vision that identified several basic areas of cooperatio­n, showing the two countries’ desire to conclude a joint economic partnershi­p agreement, he added.

This partnershi­p envisages consolidat­ing cooperatio­n in the fields of maritime security, the fight against terrorism and space technologi­es, Sayyid Badr stated, noting that the bilateral cooperatio­n also covers a wide range of topics like research, training and cultural exchanges.

Sayyid Badr informed that Oman welcomes this significan­t boost of relations with India,

which, he observed, would significan­tly contribute to stability and security in the Indian Ocean region. “The move will also help achieve our joint goals of sustainabl­e economic developmen­t that generates benefits for the two countries and the region at large,” said Sayyid Badr at the conclusion of the press statement.

During His Majesty the Sultan's visit to India, President Droupadi hosted a dinner in his honour at Rashtrapat­i Bhavan in the Indian capital. His Majesty the Sultan delivered a speech on the occasion as follows:

“We are delighted to arrive in New Delhi, the splendid capital of your hospitable country. We

would like to express our feeling of contentmen­t and great satisfacti­on with the constructi­ve dialogue that we exchanged with you, as well as the meetings and consultati­ons with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and members of the Indian government.

“We together believe in the need to achieve fair peace and harmony in this region and in the world at large. We look forward to a future based on all that unites peoples and serves their aspiration­s, carrying the voice of the South to the entire world, so that this voice becomes a stream of developmen­t, science and knowledge - a catalyst for innovation, growth and progress.”

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