Muscat Daily

Oxy Oman sponsors Adam Camel Race


As part of its larger initiative to support camel racing in the sultanate, Oxy Oman representa­tives recently attended the Adam Camel Race in Al Dakhliyah Governorat­e, which is the second of three races organised by the Oman Camel Racing Federation, and exclusivel­y sponsored by Oxy Oman.

Held under the auspices of H E Shaikh Hilal Bin Said al Hajri, Governor of Dakhliyah, the event was attended by Sheikh Said Bin Saud al Ghufili, chairman of the Oman Camel Racing Federation and Nasser Bin Issa al Maskari, CSR manager at Occidental Oman, a press release said.

Over 500 people attended the race, and after 10 rounds, five winners were declared. Oxy Oman awarded each of the winners with a vehicle prize in accordance with the sponsorshi­p agreement previously signed between Oxy Oman and the Oman Camel Racing Federation.

Oxy Oman will also award 5 winners of the last sponsored race with prizes. The last upcoming sponsored race is the Ibri Camel Race, to be held in January 2024. The race events support the camel racing industry with over 2000 estimated beneficiar­ies in local communitie­s, including trainers, camel owners, hotels, small and medium enterprise­s, workers in livestock and veterinary clinics, and shops in the areas.

Oxy Oman has supported 33 camel races during the last nine years, as the initiative engages with a sport historical­ly tied to the culture of local communitie­s. This sponsorshi­p comes within the framework of Oxy Oman’s long-term commitment to strengthen its social ties with the communitie­s located in its concession areas and the wider Omani population, and it enhances the strategic partnershi­ps and collaborat­ions.

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