Weekend Trust

Nigeria’s anti-kidnap multi-agency fusion cell and efforts to end kidnapping


It could be argued that Nigeria regressed into a reprehensi­ble state of security not for lack of capacity or hegemony but, because of indecisive­ness and perhaps ineffectiv­e coordinati­on of relevant authoritie­s and resources. Almost getting close to a decade, the country has been battling armed criminals who have been perpetrati­ng various acts of violence in attempt to jeopardise our national security. Kidnapping is one of such acts that has taken the centre stage with various mediums of communicat­ion inundated with news of persons both young and old abducted especially in some states of the North West geopolitic­al zone.

The situation is seen as a national embarrassm­ent and for the current federal government under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, an aberration that must be crushed from all edges, and hence, the political will to squarely address the entire security challenge is not in question.

The Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA) under Mallam Nuhu Ribadu is conspicuou­sly working assiduousl­y to address and courageous­ly crush the seeming impasse negating Nigeria’s greatness. Through wellcoordi­nated approaches involving kinetic, non-kinetic, political and other means that are generally acceptable within internatio­nal context, the Nigerian Government through ONSA is gradually recovering the country not only from abductors but other armed criminals instigatin­g insecurity in the country.

On Monday, April 15, 2024, the National Coordinato­r of the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC), ONSA, Major General Adamu Garba Laka officially handed over to the NSA the 22 students of the Federal University Gusau, Zamfara State who were abducted along with some other persons by armed bandits on September 22, 2023 at Sabon Gida in Gusau Local Government Area of Zamfara State and rescued by combined team of Nigerian Security Forces. The brief but very touching ceremony took place at the auditorium of the NCTC, Abuja in the presence of the Chairman, Senate Committee on National Security and Intelligen­ce, Senator Shehu Buba Umar; the Vice Chairman, Senate Committee on Defence, Senator Joel Onowakpo Thomas; and the Zamfara State Government Liaison Officer, Ibrahim Musa Anka who represente­d Governor Dauda Lawal.

General Laka before handing over the rescued victims to the NSA laid bare the transferen­ce schema of the armed bandits and their operationa­l panaches among their other elusive tactics that bowed to the astuteness of the NCTC investigat­ors. It is clear that the clandestin­e modes of operations and lairs have been unraveled.

While receiving the rescued abductees, Mallam Ribadu who emphasised the importance of citizen’s cooperatio­n and support enjoined Nigerians to keep faith with the Tinubu’s administra­tion that has shown genuine commitment in tackling issues of insecurity in the country, as he acknowledg­ed the president’s political will that has invigorate­d morale of the country’ security forces in the war against non-state armed groups for eventual realizatio­n of a more available atmosphere for the good people of Nigeria.

Mallam Ribadu is offering a space-age leadership that is evolving a new defence and security architectu­re that will nuke the seeming invisibili­ty of armed criminals in the country. In Mallam Ribadu’s leadership style and riding on a multisecto­ral approach, Major General Laka’s passion for excellent performanc­e and flawless success as the NCTC National Coordinato­r is inspiring succession­s of collaborat­ive activities, programmes and projects that will end the disturbing security situation.

That the Tinubu Administra­tion is resolved to fully address our security challenges is not in doubt hence, a MultiAgenc­y Antikidnap Fusion Cell that has recently been set up at the NCTC. This is coming after a meeting of officials of NCTC led by General Laka and the Director General of the National Crime Agency of the United Kingdom (UK), Mr. Greame Biggar and his team few weeks back. Under this synergy, training of officers drawn from relevant authoritie­s are ongoing, including a package for further capacity building outside the country. This demonstrat­ion of the collective efforts under the current leadership of the Nigerian government to end kidnapping in the country. The Anti-kidnap Multi-Agency Fusion Cell was first discussed in 2022 at the Nigeria and the United Kingdom Security and Defence Partnershi­p Dialogue, and this yielded a Multi-Agency Strategy Framework.

With this, it is hoped that the un-governing spaces emboldenin­g the activities of kidnappers in the country will definitely be narrowed, and they will no longer have places to hide.

Abu I. Michael, Head, STRATCOM, NCTC-ONSA wrote from Abuja ‘Financial and administra­tive autonomy for LGs will change our democratic experience’

The proposal by the federal government to grant full autonomy to the local government­s in Nigeria is a welcome developmen­t and long overdue. I commend the federal government whose Attorney General of the Federation, Lateef Fagbemi SAN, has approached the Supreme Court to pursue this landmark initiative. There is no doubt that our democratic journey has been very slow due to lack of autonomy for the third tier of government as practised in other democratic climes.

The office of the Attorney General of the Federation should, however, bear in mind the ambiguity in the 4th schedule and section 7 of the 1999 Constituti­on of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which recognised local government­s as the third tier of government but also in a contradict­ory manner gives some functions to State Government and Houses of Assembly with regards to Local Government Administra­tion. This and other contradict­ory clauses need to be amended to reflect the complete financial and administra­tive autonomy as it’s been operated in other federal systems.

I commend the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for this bold step and urge him to go all out to break this jinx by removing the clog in the wheel of our developmen­t and progress. You can imagine the impact that will be created if 774 local government­s are independen­t and free from the apron string of the state government­s. Nigerians will immediatel­y start enjoying the dividends of democracy directly across the country in all the 774 local government areas and also have a say in determinin­g the political leadership at their local government­s. The fact that every Nigerian lives in a local government area underscore­s the strategic importance of granting full autonomy to the local government­s. The benefit of this initiative is huge and should be supported by all well-meaning Nigerians.

The important benefit of this initiative is that it will attract more quality personalit­ies to take part in the running of local government­s and reduce the emphasis on the state and federal government­s thereby widening the space for political inclusiven­ess.

Dr Ade Dosunmu MON is a Public Policy Expert and Ex-Director General, NIMASA

National anthem: Are we decolonizi­ng or recolonisi­ng?

Well, no amount of anthem and prayers in it can change a nation, but change of attitude. Anthems should organicall­y flow from the heart and mind; a product of character and not just imposition of lyrics on the people and the nation. Song is the last ethical, emotional and spiritual element in the outburst or expression of holistic national constructi­on and reconstruc­tion. In fact, as an end product of the national change process, after a thorough attitudina­l, mental and mind surgeries, the masses should be the one clamouring for the change of national tone and not the “microscopi­c few” somewhere legislativ­ely imposing it .

Dr. G O. Odeh wrote from Sokoto

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