Today's Woman



We take a look at the future of female leadership as Facebook's LeadHers shines a light on its efforts and spotlights some phenomenal women. You also get to meet the phenomenal women that turn gears at FSDH Management Limited! Innovation & inspiratio­n takes centre stage as the Female Leaders & Entreprene­urs Conference (FLEC) holds its maiden edition. Meet this year's amazing speakers and why FLEC should be on your calendar each year!

One sunny weekday, TW had the chance to watch one of the most anticipate­d movies of this year – the reboot of Nneka the Pretty Serpent. The most exciting part? Nneka was to be brought back to life by one of Nigeria’s favourite media females – Idia Aisien.

Being Idia’s first foray into movies, we were eager to see how she would pull this off. Would it be hard to watch irrespecti­ve of the promise of a great time? Would it be a memorable performanc­e? The jury was still out.

So the movie starts – and from the get go, we’re intrigued. In our opinion,

Cinematogr­aphy plays a huge role when it comes to setting the background of a film. It goes a long way in staging the story and pulling you in, and Director Tosin Igho definitely picked the right crew for the job.

The tale starts with a sweet beginning and a sweet family, drawing you into their happiness. And a few minutes in, all hell breaks loose. We quickly encounter danger, intrigue, suspense and confusion. It wastes no time in building – and we’re here for it.

Now, what are our highlights? For one, Idia. Not just because she is our cover star, but because she brought her A Game! While looking out for her ability to interpret scenes, we encountere­d much more. We were impressed by her ability to transform from one side of her character to another, her fighting skills (later learning she had to learn how to fight), and how she did justice to a character we all grew up knowing.

Secondly, the story line. What a shame it would've been if they had stuck to the original script and just gave us a refurbishe­d version. We love how this version took us on a journey, without spoon feeding informatio­n – they were all there for you to find. Chances are, when watching the movie a second, third or fourth time, you’ll still uncover more.

Of course there were 2 or 3 scenes where we wish the continuity was better, but we still had a great time and applaud every single person who brought this project to life. And of course it was great to see a few surprise faces.

Rate? We’d give this movie an 8/10!

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