Today's Woman

Folayemi Balogun

Head, Human Capital Management, NSIA Insurance Limited


If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

Fun, Serious, Determined

What does a successful career in the finance industry look like to you?

Regardless of the industry, success to me is being in an organizati­on where its core purpose and values are things I care deeply about and where my role has real influence.

What would you say has been your main motivation in terms of achieving the success you've achieved till date?

What motivates me is the desire to make positive & impactful change. My parents inspire me too. I saw them do this so I want to do the same.

Have you had a worst day? If yes, what was it and how did you overcome it?

Yes I have. Without going into details, let’s just say I am still working and overcoming it.

What does Internatio­nal Women's Month stand for to you?

Even though we work at it every day, IWD to me is a day to remind people (and women) that women have a right to be, a right to aspire and to achieve whatever they can imagine and more.

Can you share a major life lesson you've picked up on the job?

When you put in the work, things turn out well in the end. Put in your best at all times.

If you were not working in the financial services industry, where would you be working and why?

make a difference.

Anywhere I can

What projects, personal and work-related, do you have in the works?

I am currently working on being a better version of me, through personal Effectiven­ess that will translate to my work and personal life.

How are you and your organizati­on helping women and their families challenge their finances?

As an organizati­on, our Mission statement is to create, preserve and protect wealth. Our products are tailored towards that. I also believe in the phrase ‘Each one teach one’ we focus on teaching staff about financial independen­ce/freedom in the hope that it will positively impact their homes and extend to friends as well.

If you could change one thing about the current state of Nigeria's money situation, what would it be?

Re-orientate the minds of the people. Economies that succeed do so because they make a conscious effort to make things work. It’s not up to the leaders only.

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