GCU Relays 2024 Gets Date


Consistent with its tradition of hosting the Event on every second Saturday in November, the Sixth Edition of the Government College Ughelli, GCU RELAYS, has been confirmed for November ninth(9th) 2024 at the schools Athletics Field (Tartan Tracks).

Now, in its sixth edition, the annual Invitation­al Relays, which is the brain child of the Old Boys Associatio­n has produced notable Track Stars, prominent amongst whom is the Paris Olympics bound Oghenebrum­e Godson.

Oghenebrum­e, who is listed in the 100m for men, won the Victor Ludorum diadem at the inaugural edition, whilst featuring for Afiesere Secondary School, Ughelli and has posted one of the fastest times (sub 10 secs) this year.

Whilst confirming the November 9th date for this year's Event, Chief Albert Akpomudje, SAN, President General Worldwide, GCUOBA equally promised a better packaged and more competitiv­e One Day Meet.

‘'The GCU Relays, over the years has witnessed increased improvemen­t and quality in overall delivery of the Inter-collegiate Invitation­al Athletics Competitio­n'' he said, adding “this 6th edition will surely surpass my expectatio­ns''.

The GCU Relays Ambassador Ruks Bazunu is retained to play the usual motivation­al role, whilst coordinati­ng the Event Day Technical alignment.

Emery Edjeren, given his huge and passionate input at the last edition, has now been saddled with the position of Deputy Chairman and Technical Subcommitt­ee Chair of the Organizing Committee.

Edjeren, who dominated Inter-collegiate Athletics in the mid ninety sixties will bring his wealth of experience to impact positively and add value to the highly sought Athletics Meet.

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