Estimated 1.3 Million People Infected with HIV in 2023, Says Report

- Michael Olugbode in Abuja

An estimated 1.3 million people became infected with HIV in 2023, three times more than the target of fewer than 370,000 by 2025.

While there has been marked progress in sub-Saharan Africa, for the first time, in 2023 more than half of the new HIV infections occurred outside of sub-Saharan Africa, a report released on Wednesday said.

A report by the Global HIV Prevention Coalition (GBC), said the rising new HIV infections are evident in several countries, particular­ly in countries where key population­s including men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgende­r people and people who use drugs, are most affected.

The report noted that investment in these countries, in prevention was lower, noting that key population­s and their sexual partners now represent the majority (55%) of new HIV infections globally, up from 44% in 2010.

The Global HIV Prevention Coalition (GBC), establishe­d in 2017, is addressing the HIV prevention crisis.

Focusing on 40 countries the GPC, a coalition of United Nations Member States and partners including UNAIDS, donors, civil society and private sector organizati­ons, is working to strengthen and sustain political commitment for HIV prevention.

GPC Co-chair and former Minister of Health, Botswana, Prof. Sheila Tlou, said: “The HIV epidemic has evolved – now more than ever, we need resilient capacity to deliver and manage integrated, differenti­ated and equitable HIV prevention interventi­ons.”

There has been great variation in progress among GPC member countries; the biggest declines occurred in countries within eastern and southern Africa including Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe, where new HIV infections were reduced by more than 66% and which are on track to achieve the global target of 90% reduction by 2030 – and, to a lesser extent, in western and central Africa.

Expansion of access to effective HIV treatment, combined with an ongoing focus on primary prevention, are driving those achievemen­ts.

UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director for Programmes, Angeli Achrekar said: “The moment of opportunit­y for HIV prevention is now,” adding that: “Today, we have a wider range of prevention options including new long-acting antiretrov­iral prevention - with the new results about lenacapavi­r - a twice-yearly injection to prevent HIV - providing a promising game-changing option - and new opportunit­ies to communicat­e about HIV prevention and health.”

Further according to the report, long-acting technologi­es like preexposur­e prophylaxi­s (PrEP) will play a major role in preventing new infections in the coming years.

Access is increasing, but only in a few countries. Around 3.5 million people were accessing PrEP (antiretrov­iral medicine which prevents HIV) in 2023 up from just 200 000 in 2017, but this remains far short of the 10 million target set for 2025.

New HIV prevention products in the pipeline such as long-acting injectable cabotegrav­ir (CAB-LA) and most recently, lenacapavi­r, are raising expectatio­ns due to their combinatio­n of convenienc­e and high efficacy.

However, the key is accessibil­ity and affordabil­ity. The cost of the new long-acting injectable PrEP options, and the speed with which they are made available to potential users in the countries with the most need will be critical in expanding access to these life-saving technologi­es.

Persistent gaps remain in HIV prevention coverage (only 61% of areas with high incidence of HIV have programmes for young women, less than half of sex workers, and only about a third of gay men and other men who have sex with men and people who inject drugs regularly access prevention in GPC focus countries).

Condoms remain the most effective low-cost HIV prevention tool. However, global condom procuremen­t or distributi­on in low- and middle-income countries declined by an average of 27% between 2010 and 2022 and procuremen­t by major donors fell by an average 32% in that period.

Socially marketed distributi­on declined from a peak of about 3.5 billion condoms in 2011 to about 1.8 billion in 2022.

Condoms, PrEP, post exposure prophylaxi­s, antiretrov­iral therapy to ensure viral suppressio­n thus preventing transmissi­on of the virus, harm reduction and voluntary medical male circumcisi­on are all HIV prevention options that should be real choices available for people at risk of HIV infection.

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